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Hi David,
That’s great! I’ll be working from home on Wednesday and apart from a call at 10.00 am for half an hour I’m free all morning if you want to pop round? We’re at 14 Kits Lane - the main road through Wallington - and if you’re coming up from Baldock, we’re on the left about 150 yards past the 30 mph sign. There’s plenty of off street parking. My silver Volvo estate is on the drive as a sighter. What three words = Slip.practical.became. My mobile is 07790988985.
The TT case is in the cupboard in the Village hall. I handed my key-on-a-string back to Martin Lawless. Do you know where he lives close to the VH?
Let me know what works best for you.
AndyMarch 10 Comment -
I am interested. Size seems right. (I wish it was Ashwell Blue..). When is convenient for you for me to visit Wallington? I am very flexible. Also can I pick up the TT case at the same time? Tinks MacDonald and I are going to attempt to fill your large shoes. Thanks DavidMarch 10 Comment