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Lands End Jon o Groats 2012



  • Nice one John!
  • Hi Robbie,

    Is it too late to sign up?

    I am interested in joining in but not sure about the pace. I currently ride on Saturday mornings (when work allows) and recognise that I would have to do some serious training if I were to have any chance of keeping up if the pace represented anything like a Sunday pace.

  • log me in please Robbie.....just had very positive prognosis on knee from specialist so will work out my training programme accordingly.......
  • Geoff and Vicky... Great news.
    Why not ride with us on a Saturday to get used to our (average) pace.
    LEJOG will be all about teamwork.... and a laugh!
  • thanks Robbie...am commited to the girls ride most Saturdays.....will check in some time soon though
  • Robbie,

    If the intent of the pace is around the Saturday morning (9.30am) pace then I'm definitely in. I can't make tomorrow, but hope to be there on 22nd.

  • edited October 2011
    CONFIRMED 100% :

    Mick G
    Neil (Freedom Tri- joining CCA)
    Jon S (+? confirm and join CCA)
    James B
    John R

    Deffo's: please confirm
    Adam H

    Plus 2 drivers thanks to Mick G.
  • FYI : booking accommodation next week so we have to close the list.
    If anyone wishes to join us thereafter there will be a list of places to stay and contact numbers.
  • Robbie

    I'm in.
  • Feeling a little left out, so book me in, if not too late. Lejog shirt please, got a pro shirt from belgium last year, are the Lejog shirts the same sizing? if so a medium for me.

    Mick G
    Neil (Freedom Tri- joining CCA)
    Jon S
    James B
    John R
    Andy B

    Plus 2 support
  • Rather amazing list eh!
  • Better turn my shirt into a pro Robbie...don't want to be the odd one out...in this respect at least...
  • That's all folks!
    Booking accommodation and kit ordered.
  • I've been a little slow here. Ive a plus 1 definite. Would you still be able to book him into accommodation?

    Mick G
    Neil (Freedom Tri- joining CCA)
    Jon S
    Plus one (JS)
    James B
    John R
    Andy B

    Plus 2 support
  • JUst in time!
  • Could I also order a shirt - size L?

  • Adam.

    I've added your order into 'kit' for Skelders to see.
    The order went in last week so not sure where we are with this.
  • The kit list has now gone and everyones order is in including Adam.
    Thank you and thanks to Skelders for his patience.
  • Wicked. Tks.
  • Just a heads up on accommodation.
    B&B's are all cycle friendly and most have been endorsed by other cyclists.
    We will have to stay in two different B&B's each night. Most under 5 miles apart.
    The cost is looking like an average around £35 per night per person.
    We will have photos of each on the 15th Nov.
  • edited October 2011
    Robbie when you have the accommodation list will you post it here?
  • Robbie...don't know how far you have got with the planning....had a chat today with riders who have done it and some who are in the group to ride and all felt that a slightly shorter first 2 days of about 80 miles was right especially given the terrain in Cornwall. It could be close to doing the equivalent of 1.5 Chiltern hundreds two days in a row ...some 4.5k feet of climbing per day. Would also get everyone into the groove so we could pick up the mileage on easier days....thoughts?
  • edited October 2011
    Always good to chat to riders who have done it before. Very useful.

    The CTC handbook which is packed with information from hundreds of riders. If any rider wants to read this before
    we meet, before the 15th Nov, please ask and I'll email it.It's full of useful information from a collection of riders and up to date with roads and places to stay.Also Fully recommend the book : Lands End to John O Groats - The Official Cyclists Challenge Guide by Brian Smailes. This is the most informed book out there and what we are basing our route on give or take a few detours onto minor roads. MC, myself and Stef will share accommodation,the route we think is best for all of us (and for fixed wheel) and other info.

    There's no avoiding the overall length but we can avoid some of the major climbs especially through Cornwall and Devon
    and others around the Lake District. It does mean we have to take some A roads which we don't particularly like. It's getting the
    balance right between steep climbs on minor roads and A roads with less bumps. It what most of the charity rides do each year.

    Regarding accommodation. I will post this once we know vacancies etc. We can opt to stay in these or if anyone wants to stay
    in alternative accommodation, maybe with relatives or mates on route, camp or hostels then that's ok too. We're looking at
    a rough guide or £35pp each night for B&B. A combination of cycle friendly, good value and nice places to stay.

    There's now about 20 of us riding which is quite a big group with varying abilities and with a bunch on fixed wheel. Might be a good idea to open up the discussion to breaking that group down on certain days. Only a suggestion but may make sense.
    Any thoughts we can discuss on the 15th.
  • as a total aside...

    I ventured into the 'fixed club' on Sunday myself. All of you fixed chappies doing this magnificent challenge have my total and utter respect! I thoroughly enjoyed my 2 hour intro but did try to avoid the hills. The only one worth mentioning was out of Hitchin towards The Wilbury... er... had to get off before I fell off!! The pedals wouldn't go round??? Hence even more respect to you guys than before (and James on the hill climb last week!!!!)...

    such a nice experience!
  • If the group needs splitting then maybe go for fixed and everyone else , don't know if this would work just a thought :?
  • Re: varying abilities. My view is that we don't need to be too prescriptive about this. There's a lot of daylight at that time of the year, As long as we all get to the correct B&B before night fall we shouldn't worry about who rides with whom. Obviously, each group will need at least one person who has the route (I'll be putting mine into my Garmin, so please don't anyone follow me unless you want to end up in Wales/Birmingham/East Anglia) but apart from that there is a lot of latitude for people to go at different speeds. As someone who is likely to go geared, I'm just hoping to hang on the to the wheel of one of the fixie brigade.

    As far as distance is concerned, the first two days look reasonably challenging. But they also seem to be the break points nearly all LEJOGgers do. Personally, my vote is that we stick to the planned route and look forward to an easier mid section.


    Pro shirts come up smaller now. if in doubt ask to see the marmotte boyz or more recently the Belgium group. There are 2 'small' requests so far and 5 medium. Medium is the equivalent of a small in normal shirts. The small shirts are tiny!! Also Vicky - would you like a women's specific shirt???
  • If it is possible to get a womens specific pro shirt, then yes please in a medium.

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