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Lands End Jon o Groats 2012



  • Robbie and Mark...agree...all sounds fine so let's have a good chat on 15th...I am a definite now so I will decide bike choice close to June depending on knee......like the look of yours Robbie...class........Mark, don't fret about yours....that bike is just right for you and you are comfortable with it...that is worth more than anything else.
  • Dear Mr Kit

    I have a large order placed, which fits me fine as a normal CCA jersey. Should I go up to XL for the pro, bearing in mind the blow this will inflict on my self esteem?

    Yours sincerely

    Weight Watcher
  • Dear Weight Watcher,

    It all depends on how you like your shirt to fit? If your current regular 'L' is relatively loose then go for an XL in the Pro. If however you prefer a more 'skinsuit' feel & fit, stick with the 'L'

    or ask Robbie to bring his Marmotte shirt to your meeting and try his 'L' on. Once the order is placed I can always change the sizing up to the last week before production :-)

    Don't forget next Tuesday (15th) is the presentation in the pub.
    It will answer all those questions that you've been asking in detail.
    When I say detail... MC says it'll be about 2 hours to go thro and discuss.
    There's nobody like MC as a project manager!

    Please try and be there around 7.30pm for an 8pm start.
    Also we need to take cheques to book accommodation. This is a deposit for £100.
    On that note... the whole trip will cost around £1200 including food, accommodation, van hire and petrol plus tips for the support crew etc. There will be a detailed breakdown of costs in the presentation.

    Any questions will be answered.
  • Robbie, coming into this late but I am interested. I cannot come on Tuesday but is it possible to get a copy of the presentation?


  • Strike my name from the list, find I have too many things to consider for next summer, have ordered a large lejog pro shirt for anyone who wants it, maybe the replacement on the list if it fits.
  • Gents

    The cost is a lot higher than I anticipated, due the cut backs in the public sector (partners salary) etc I am reluctantly going to have bow out of this one.

    Hope this does not impact to much on the trip.

  • Lets hold fast on those costs as pronounced everyone. Mickg and I also felt the stated costs were very high. We did some quick sums between us and couldn't push the figure much past £600, so let's wait till after the session tomorrow at the pub. I am sure we can all discuss this and arrive at a more reasonable cost structure.
  • Please could you bring your cheque books tonight to pay for your shirts. I cannot order them without your cash. If you are still not 100% on sizes - Robbie, could you bring your Marmotte shirt with you please to show how 'small' a 'large' is... ?? cheers Matey or anybody else who has a recent pro shirt to show?

    as a reminder:

    regular shirt = £39.50
    pro = £64

    Cheques to Cycle Club Ashwell please

    PS - no pressure but this is tagging onto the club's winter order... and therefore holding its production up...
  • i'll bring my belgium pro large
  • Also please bring a separate cheque tonight payable to Cycle Club Ashwell for £100
    This is a deposit cheque and wont be cashed yet, in fact probably wont be cashed for quite a while and we'll give you plenty of notice before we do cash it.

    But we need this to firm up numbers, book accommodation, start paying deposits etc

    Thanks, looking forward to tonight, will be good to share plans /chat etc
  • cheers Stef, i think there are still a few guys who are not sure or who don't believe how small a large is ;-)

    I really need those confirmed shirt numbers ASAP please :-) thanks guys
  • edited November 2011
    incase you'd forgotten if you had ordered or not:

    Geoff 118 - M
    MC - XL
    Robbie - L
    Stef - L
    Alistair - M (pos L)
    Scouse - M
    Gavin - XL
    Mick g - XL
    James b - L
    Geoff G - L
    Peter G - S
    John R - L
    Vicky - WS M
    Andy b - L (pos cancel)
    James D - M (pos cancel)
    Adam H - L

    are all down for a Pro shirt @ £64

    please confirm with your cheque to either Robbie or Stef tonight

    thanks guys

    BTW the design is pretty cool :-)
  • Well done to MC and Stef yesterday. Very thorough presentation.
    And thanks to Skelders for sorting out the kit.

    Regarding final numbers of LEJOG riders...
    I will be working off '18' for accommodation although it may be slightly less in the end.
    As MC and Stef said last night, a cheque secures your place.

    Hope all your questions have been answered.
    I believe MC is going to distribute the prentation as a PDF.
    Plenty to read!
  • I just wanted to say thanks to MC, Robbie, Stef and Martin for a really impressive presentation, and all the work that's gone into it so far. I cam away feeling fired up for the challenge - roll on next June!

    p.s - as well as doing the video, I'm very happy to do the social media (Twitter, blog etc) if people feel this is something we want to do. I'm sure there are some club members and family members who will want to follow our progress, but it's clearly not essential to the trip.
  • great meeting last night, think we're all fired up now!


    This is the final order as I understand it, with Jo to confirm tomorrow. The order will go in tomorrow so SHOUT TODAY if you disagree or it will be too late:
    still waiting on a few cheques

    Pro shirts:
    Geoff 118 Large Cheque received
    MC XL Cheque received
    Robbie L Cheque received
    Stef L Cheque received
    Alistair L Cheque received
    Scouse M
    Mick G XL Cheque received
    James B L Cheque received
    Geoff G L
    John R XL Cheque received
    Vicky Womens Med Cheque received
    Jo Medium - TBC tomorrow

    Regular shirt:
    Adam H L Cheque received
  • Stef,

    To confirm on the shirt order - a womens medium pro shirt should be fine.


  • Thanks Vicky
  • my cheque with Tim Stef....cheers all for a great presentation....much thought and work gone in there....looking forward to it...
  • Cheers guys a very informative evening. An impressive presentation.

    been looking at the train from wick to Inverness....4hrs!! Earliest leaves at 7, so we'll not arrive in time for the 1125 flight. Think the way forward would be shared taxis. Just phoned a random taxi company in wick and was quoted £135 for a 5 seater. Some thing that could be looked into further.
  • Nice one Jon. That sounds very plausible.
    At some point soon we should all agree to book flights if that is the best way back.
    Certainly looks like it.
  • Hi Dom

    If you're plugged into this feed then.... you're welcome to a place on LEJOG 2012 being first reserve.
    There's a whole load of information in the ppt worth reading.

    I'll get the message to you if you don't see this. NIce one!

    (Stef will be chasing a cheque as deposit for £100 payable to CCA)
  • Great presentation on the wed,
    thanks MC et al.

    I was interested in the evening flight back from Inverness.
    Not sure an early start on the day after the final night before is a good idea
    looks like there is a 17.15 flight , happy to look if you want me too.

    Got my UK map today for inspiration
    ( or is that perspiration )
    will be going on the wall.

    Still interested in the one pair / two pair shorts discussion
    will have to do some trials.
    Not sure about the Detol ?
    was that for hygiene or to "thicken the skin" - yuk

    Thanks for the opportunity guys

  • still waiting for some cash for shirts as well!

    please could you chase the offenders -

    from above list robbie, geoff & I believe Scouse have now paid.
  • edited November 2011
    MC - would you prefer 'LEJOG2012' to be a forum Category? It probably warrants its own space and would stop discussions running to 5 pages or so. You could 'multi-track' as well - separate discussions for kit, accommodation, gear ratios. After the event I can dissolve the category into 'General'.

    Lemme know.
  • think Gavin might be back in the loop after discussion on the last ride...would be good
  • Yes I will chase, though think its just Jo who has promised me a cheque next time I see her, and MC whose credit status is clearly above question.

    Think making Lejog a forum category is a great idea.
  • Cool. As you will now see - this Discussion is now in the newly created 'LEJOG 2012' Category - and you'll see it running down the left-side menu list of Categories down between General and Members-only.

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