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Sunday 18th Dec - 09.30 ride

edited December 2011 in Club runs
3 tuns 09.30 as usual

Sat ride had two of us
( David J and I )
but roads where ok , no ice apart from the verge , we did a loop to the East.
2 hours was about right , did not get cold.

So I will be out tomorrow
short and very steady
( slow on corners etc.)
but did definitely feel better for it.


PS let me know if coming


  • Imbibing tonight but aim to join you - but if I'm not there by 09.30 don't wait for me.

    Bob R
  • i will be there with my wooly gloves
  • have fun guys.....not feeling like doing anything at present..........maybe see you all Wednesday
  • Well the fabulous 5 set off this morning
    looked more dodgy than Sat, but actually no real ice on the roads.

    We got to Hinxworth before the snow started slowly
    frost on the fields and snow in the air - first true " nutters" winter ride.

    It was when my rear mech cable broke after an hour that the real snow started !
    With help from Alistair I joined the fixed gear group ( well one gear anyway ).
    unfortunately this shortened the ride a little,
    thanks to the guys for helping me back.

    So with stretched chain , worn rear block and broken cable I know what my Christmas present will be :-)
    May have to get the real old winter bike out - oh dear - hope you will wait on the hills !

  • Five started the 9.00am ride too. We took a beefy snow shower out near Moggerhanger and that had us cycling on white roads for a while, but as you say, conditions weren't bad at all. It had even warmed up a bit by the time I got home...
  • Good effort 9 & 9.30 chaps.

    Maybe we need to have an 'extreme weather cup' for the prize giving next year.......
  • "So with stretched chain , worn rear block and broken cable I know what my Christmas present will be :-)"

    A lesson in bike maintenance?
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