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Sunday 8th Jan 09.30

edited January 2012 in Club runs
09.30 , 3 tuns
back to normal, return for 12.30
rotate around ,
see you tomorrow


  • Is there still a 9:00 ride?
  • yes 09.00 rides as well
    club and fast I believe as per website
  • glad you are back in the saddle James, sorry I cannot make it this sunday
  • which is fastest ave speed 9 or 9.30??
  • 9am probably as there are usually 2 rides...a club steady and a group of faster......9.30 is about 16 or so I understand Andre
  • Enjoyed that..

    Thanks guys :0)
  • Bloody hell I fell apart today. Sorry for that everyone. First time on the bike for several weeks and absolutely no energy. I'll train up a bit more before I come back for the next one!
  • welcome Lloydy...well done..........also don't worry Bryan.you were going fine before xmas and your knee problem...you'll be fine again soon...keep with the steady rides and you will be o.k..good route and ride Tim, thanks...good to see so many out today...21 on ours and 13 on the faster/longer graffham ride.....reckon there were about 19 out yesterday and 7 on Robbies ride...don't know about 9.30 ride, but saw 2 more club out today on own...add those racing yesterday and that gives over 70 active riders this weekend alone...........roll on spring and the better weather...can't help but wonder how many will be riding when the weather gets really good...roll on CCA
  • Good 09.30 ride , heading to do a few hills
    ( following inspiration from the Sat group )
    Preston, St Pauls warden , Peters green, Hexton.
    3 hours riding with aerobic climbing.
    respect to peter green on fixed wheel.
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