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25 miles - Sunday 29th April - Newcomers

edited April 2012 in Club runs
Hi, planning a route on Sunday at 9.30am from Three Tuns. This is usually our Saturday ride but most not available Saturday this week so changed to Sunday. We are the small group of newcomers but welcome anybody to come along and join us.

The route I have chosen heads off to Wrestlingworth onto the hatleys through shingay, mordens and back to ashwell. Roughly 25 miles. See link to route below.




  • Nice one Amanda, good call. Hope the weather isnt as bad as currently forecast!
  • Fab! Looking forward to it.
  • Well done Amanda - just what's needed. I hope you get a good number of customer and even if you don't a first, do keep it up 'cos your numbers will grow....!
  • adding my thanks also....great initiative. it's about all I'm allowed to do. if I can fit it in before going to Welwyn for 2nd supertrack coaching I'll join you
  • Just checked weather forecast looks terrible. Let's hope for a change in the morning! Will check again first thing.

  • Morning well i think the weather has beaten us. So disappointing. See you all next week.

    We have no power here in wrestlingworth time to get the camping stove out for my coffee .

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