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100 miler Sat 28th april - Spring Classic

edited April 2012 in General
An impressive 12 out today given the conditions. very wet indeed. i clocked 103 miles at just under 16's. first half was a bit like early parts of ghent wevelghem, wet and windy in the fens. 2nd half much nicer roads and the rain eased a bit, more amstel gold. 2 cafes as we needed to warm up. bit of through and off after the 2nd stop to get us going. 5 punctures but 3 of them at the same time so not too bad given how wet it was (thanks scouse for the comedy co2 moment). mark (new rider from litlington) left us at about the 45 mile mark as had to get back. others were jo, vicky, roger, gino, scouse, robbie (fixed), mark w, john r, vic and shaun. so 6 lejoggers and 6 others. well done to all, a very enjoyable ride despite the weather.


  • Strangely enjoyable, despite feeling like Mr Wet from Wetville on a very wet day!!

    And of course having 2 of the five punctures we suffered

    Oh, and the CO2 cannister blowing up in my face, while putting my finger over it trying to stop the gas from escaping, thus freezing my finger to the cannister -doh!

    Oh, apologies to Shaun too who flatted, as he came back to see I was ok with puncture number 2

    But- at least I never went legging back to cafe looking for my shades, that were still on his head (Vic!)

    Major beans on toast, omelettes and a bacon and egg butty for Roger of epic proportion at Tubby T's ( ?)

    Mostly uneventful then!

    Sense of humour and banter remained intact throughout the rain- drenched peloton

    Cheers for route Steff- I was somewhat disappointed Robbie only managed 95 miles on the front tho!

    Well done one and all- heads up for Gino on his first 100 miler!
  • Good effort. cant quite believe you seemed to enjoy that. I did an hour and a half at kids football this morning and subsequently the only sensible option was to stay safe (and dry) in the pub.
  • Great ride - thanks to Stef for planning it (especially the excellent Tubby T's Cafe) and for all the other riders for the company - I needed the miles and despite the cold and wet really enjoyed the ride.

    I think we should sue the parish of Dry Drayton under the Trade Description Act though!


  • i am still glad i wimped out.
    needed a day at home writing letters to inland revenue and stuff.
  • Good riding everybody. Enjoyed it. Great cafes.

    Thanks for the route, Stef. Nice touch laying on LEJOG weather training as well...
  • Thanks for the ride yesterday - especially those taking the pain up front. Definitely the funniest moment was the exploding Co2 with Scouse flying across the carpark :-)
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