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Sunday 17th 09.30 - fathers day ride

edited June 2012 in Club runs
3 tuns 09.30 ride
looks like the better day for the weather
( less wind and rain - apparently)

back 11.30 to 12.00, 16 mph ave - casual
votes for dads fry up / cream cakes or beer accepted
( bring money )



  • Is that instead of the 09.00 ride
  • no Gino......James does his own thing at 9.30 with those who want to join him

    The 9.00 club ride will always be there on Sundays. Sometimes there are two or three levels of ability and they usually sort into a ride of about 40 miles or so at 16's+ and then a faster longer ride of 60 miles or so at 18's+ depending on the mix.

    James and Andy haven't been doing their 9.30 ride for some time but now James's shoulder has improved it looks like he is back to normal(except for the comprehension thing :-) )
  • Thank you for that Geoff, hope your keeping well
  • glad to hear you are back on the bike, unfortunatley i cant make it today but look forward to joining you next sunday
  • welcome Gino......hope today's ride is a good one...weather awful up here...permanent rain and winds. Otherwise all going well.
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