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Saturday 7th July 9.30am ride

edited July 2012 in Club runs
Hello All,

If the Met Office is correct then we may all be waist deep in water and building Noah style arks this weekend..................

If not, thought that we could do this route into a bit of Essex that I don't think we've been to before !


If anybody could download this onto their GPS that would be great as there is a high potential for getting 'directionally challenged' :)

See you Saturday,



  • I think the weather is looking broadly OK for the morning - so far! I'll be there to take the Saturday intro run if there are any takers - unless it really is monsoon conditions.
  • edited July 2012
    After my false start back in May... here I am finally in a position to come for an intro ride / club ride to see how I get on.

    What sort of average will you be riding over the 42 miles, David?
  • Matt

    Bit of a rolling route tomorrow, so probably an average of 15ish mph.

  • Good choice of route Dave. Nice and high. We might get wet, but it shouldn't get too deep !
  • Would it be ok for a newbie to tag along for a first ride?
  • You'll be fine Matt, it will be a fairly steady pace with no one left behind.
  • Providing the weather is ok I shall meet you at the duckpond in Sandon on your way through. I will peel off early on the way back at Therfield...building up again after another chest infection - lovely - I blame it on the 'Great British Summer'... Arghhh
    Fingers crossed I'll see you in the morning.
  • Matt

    Yep, as Vic says you should be fine. Just remember to shout if you need us to slow down !

    Carolyn, good plan to cut out the Ashwell bits. See you about 9.45.


    p.s. River deep, mountain high Tim?
  • Really hope to make it... hoping an infection on my leg dies down enough (day 2 of antibiotics so far!) for it to not be excruciating to bend my leg, If not have a good ride ;)
  • Nice to see two new faces out today - hope Matt and Malcolm enjoyed the reasonably gentle 35 miler, bit of a halfway house between an intro ride and the club run. Rain stayed away until the last half hour or so, quite a nice day before that.
  • VicVic
    edited July 2012
    A lumpy, 42 mile ride at 16.2 mph into Essex by the main bunch today; started dry and then turned very wet at times over the last 20 miles. The Saturday group have definitely been getting a tad faster recently. About 18 riders out too, which is amazing given the weather recently.
    I managed a double puncture, having failed to find the miniature flint spearhead, that the fairies that live in the hills above Royston had embedded in my tyre the first time around!
    Thanks for everyone for waiting for me the first puncture and to Tim and Nathaniel for keeping me company after the second. Thanks to David for the great route too.

  • Think I was right with 'River deep mountain high' as a theme tune to today's ride although could also go for 'Rivers of Babylon' or 'why does it always rain on me' ;)

    Also today's lesson is that SIDI shoes are as waterproof as a sieve !!

    Despite the elements was a great ride today. Cheers all!

  • Really enjoyed my first ride out today. A small group and 35 miles was a comfortable and pleasurable first outing when I didn't know what to expect.

    Managed to have a chat with everyone in our group and all were extremely friendly.

    Thanks to Bryan, Bob, fellow newbie Malcolm and Paul (I think!) For leading us round.

    I think I might just be tempted to come along and experience a big group next week!
  • Thanks all. Really enjoyed it today in spite of getting a good soaking ... particularly that descent after Buntingford, oh and the 1st half of Station Rd :)

    New Garmin failed due to operator error. (Thankfully my legs were working better than my fingers)

    Does anyone have stats for the group that reached the Tuns with me?
  • Good fun today. Not been to Arkesden before , a few new hills.
    Extra pie diet with gravy worked well down hill , but has draw backs getting there.
    Shoes still drying out for tomorrow.
    Sorry had to shoot from Sandon , but time trial to Ashwell did not beat the rain
    Saturday group definately has the lumpiest club run.
    Need to feed David more pies !

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