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Sunday 8th - 09.30 boogie ride

edited July 2012 in Club runs
Weather prediction includes,
sunshine, moonlight, good times , boogie.
So come on down , 09.30 at the 3 tuns
check forum to see if floods destroy the dance floor and the event.

back for 12ish , no fast music
( except for two tone )



  • see you tomorrow rain or shine???
  • How many miles are you planning and at what sort of pace?
  • Should be 35 - 40 miles
    about 16 - 17 mph , nothing serious
    route tends to be a mystery to me :-) , but we do always get back.

    Got wet today on the sat run ( which was much lumpier than we will do )
    So do intend to go out unless pouring down
    once we are out it does not matter so much
    ( can always hide under a tree for a down pour)

    I will post about 8am tomorrow
    but hopefully similar to today.

    Deliberately casual, but good fun

  • To break a habit of a life time
    here is the "base route"
    Buntingford - Wyddial - Meesden - Duddenhoe - Chrishall - Fowlmere - Ashwell
    a well use route with a small twist
    If I remember

  • its still raining are we still on for go!!!!
  • sorry I have decided to give it a miss and stay dry- see you next week
  • Yes is on at 09.30
    does look like will rain so will think about the route

  • Too wet for me.. Sorry
  • The music started at 09.30 with a bit of self motivation needed.
    We where greeted with the 09.00 run who decided to join the boogie boys.
    kept the run to a local 30 ish miles.
    Andy decided a "max special section " was needed with cattle grids and cyclo cross skills required.
    ( I did winge at this point :-) )
    Pete added a cryogenic display which was spectacular,
    with a finger becoming hard and brittle, but remained attached.
    ( apparently you are supposed to put the gas IN the tyre ! )
    Robbie was having orgasmic moments using his free wheel
    " its better than sex"
    The down pours did not stop the beat of the music
    30 miles at about 17.5 ( flat most of the time )

    So 09.30 Sunday will now be a regular event
    35-40 miles at 16-17 mph normally
    Andy or myself will lead / choose routes
    See you then - remember to tuck in the flairs

    ( other brands are available at 09.00 )
  • cautionary note James...i hope you and Andy are covered for liability as ride leaders...suggest you both do a British Cycling ride leader course and then you are covered. You will need to map out the course, risk assess each section and then notify all riders pre-ride as to hazard sections and such like. You will need to share the duty between you both to marshall all junctions,roundabouts and any crossings ensuring that either you or Andy are first and last over or round. Standard procedure for leading a ride. Happy to help either of you or ask Mark Wyer who is also a certified ride leader. The course costs about £180 and is a 2 day affair with route planning included.
  • love and peace dude xxx
  • just so James.....trying to help...must not use the dreaded term leader was all.....trust me, the ride leader course really opens your eyes.
  • edited July 2012
    james & andy
    thanks for letting pete , john, & i come on this very special ride we decided to wait in the rain for this one off ride as we were the only three that turned up for the 9.00am ride.

    i think the health & saftey executive should look into this sort of ride the route changed before we left then changed during the ride a couple of wrong turns nearly causing my self & john to collide caused by the team leader not shouting out quick enough.

    the risk assesments i read never mentioned cyclo x riding truddging through fields running down dogs & hikers and playing with high pressure gas canisters and talking about frilly knickers.

    but even with a few punctures driving rain a very muddy bike and less than 1/2 the miles i usually do with the nasties it was a bloody good laugh who needs health & saftey.

  • Thanks for your vote of confidence strappy, always happy to give stick, take stick & have a laugh. As always, all and anyone welcome on the 9.30 special needs, aged & recovering rides - no rules .........apart from the ones James or myself deem necessary on the ride at the time. Please note routes may vary than advertised as there being no ride leader means anyone may call the turn, unless overruled by myself or James of course. Looking forward to the next one. Andy
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