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Saturday 21st July 9.30am ride

edited July 2012 in Club runs
Hello All,

Supposedly its going to be warm and sunny tomorrow - I'll believe it when I see it !!

As a homage to the TDF though that we could have a choice of stages. So we can either do a flat 'Cav sprint' stage http://www.mapmyride.com/routes/view/37854812 (Ashwell-Everton-Yelling-Waresly-Potton-Edworth-Ashwell) or a 'Froome mini-mountain stage' http://www.mapmyride.com/routes/view/43646666 (Royston hill challenge).

Most votes in the morning wins !

See you tomorrow,



  • Take care with your voting folks. Any slip-ups could be disastrous !
  • How does one vote? Flat&fast gets my vote! - hope to be able to make it
  • About 20+ in the Tuns carpark for the Sat ride. Split in the vote seemed to be half and half for hilly/flat, but when we got out on the road, there was only 6 of us for the Froome special.

    Great route though, although there was a bit of a split on the hills as Jez and Jon (Froome and Wiggins) left myself, TomH, TimO and JohnM (Nibili, Evans, TJ and Van den Brooke) and disappeared off into the distance !

    Just one mechanical to report - Jez's brand new ProRace3 decided that they didn't really want to be tyres gave up the ghost. After 2 exploding inner tubes and some head scratching near Kelshal we discovered that the bead was irreparably damaged so Jez had to limp very slowly home on the bare minimum pressure......

    Five of us soldiered on to complete the route and were joined by Emma for the final slip end sprint. Stats for the ride were 40 mile @15mph and 3100ft climbing.

    Thanks all for a great ride,

  • The flat group headed off to Potton, Everton, St Neots, Gransdens, Hatley's - must have done some gentle climbing as we had fun rolling down Everton and Croydon hills. Sean and Mick split off just after the Gransden's towards Longstowe after setting a fast pace through the Gransdens. Same distance, 40 miles, but at 17.9mph, and just one puncture.

    Nice to ride in the sun again.
  • Is 18mph the norm for the Saturday run? I'm a bit concerned I might be out of my depth and would have probably died had I not gone with Richard at Tempsford. Think we ended up with 39 miles @ 16.6
  • you are quite right Matt...however, don't worry. The ethos of a club ride is that it is run at the pace of the slowest so that group had a good average of reasonably fast riders......it was also a flattish ride whereas David's was very hilly......
  • Yes, the pace was a bit faster on the flat route than is usual, but we made sure that nobody was in any difficulty and no one was left behind either. We had two, potentially new members out with the club for their first time on this ride and as the 'route navigator' I was very conscious of the whole group. One was back for more fun on Sunday, so it can't have put him off.

    If it had been necessary we would have slowed down and we did happily let the two faster guys go off in a different direction when the pace got unsustainable for the whole group.
  • Thanks guys, that's reassuring to know. Didn't want to be upsetting the usual routine, being new to this club riding lark.

    See you on the next one
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