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Black Pig sails 22nd 09.30

edited July 2012 in Club runs
Ahoy me hearties
seem to be carrying lots of ballast
time to work some off
ride to 12ish at 16 knots
red cross welcome for for all those with battle wounds

Andy seaman in the crows nest ;-)


  • So, 3 (and a half) bells in the forenoon watch is the time to be there.

    Looked to me like your man in the crows nest was left behind in the dinghy last week.

    Good sailing to you blackhearts
  • VicVic
    edited July 2012
    It be set fair for Sunday, so we can leave the sou'westers and oilskins at home and the Captain shouldn't need a bilge pump for his wheels1

    Hope to be there me hearties
  • Plan on riding over from Sandy.

    See you in the morning :0)
  • Leaving a little earlier to try and catch the club run.

    Don't wait for me if not there @ 09:30

  • 6 out for some sunny sailing today, nobody keelhauled or dumped in the dingy and set adrift. Out with the breeze around Duxford, rode amongst the London - Cambridge riders for a while and back via Barrington Hill and against a stiffening breeze, good time had by all, self, Richard M, Vic, Nick, and two relativly new members - James & Mo. 40 miles @ 17.5. Looking forward to the better weather as promised by the forcasters, more fun next week aboard the Black Pig @ 9.30.

  • VicVic
    edited July 2012
    Suprised to see the Captain dressed as a landlubber at the dock at 9-30 - he muttered somthing about not riding because he was celebrating his 70th - he doesn't look a day over 60 to me!

    Nice ride Andy, 60 miles at 17.5 for me with the ride over and back to Gamlingay.
  • Ahoy the jolly roger
    Had a flagon or two myself
    quick spin with the birthday boy on Monday evening
    we immortals do not worry about such things
    Myself and Master Bates

    New members to be named after location of birth
    Particularly if from the M4 corridor
    So Seaman Bristols , Sloth and Staines

    Up the main sail and head for the setting sun
  • "New members to be named after location of birth"??
    I hope you mean Berth Cap'n :-)
    If not then there are some serious questions you need to answer concerning your rides and riders!!!
  • Is that you Master Bates ?
    I thought I heard your voice.

    Must be the wind
    Bear south for fairer waters me hearties
  • i recall in the very early days when Bob and I started the club we had a certain rider from the Lantern Rouge(a select and only by invitation cycling club) who started to try and nickname people.....We had to explain to him that we didn't do that in ours as we had stopped reading the beano ..... crew mates on your listing vessel are free to accept any name you choose if that is their wish...happy sailing cap'n
  • Those who do not like the ship's company
    should stay off the ship

    especially the hypocrites that started it

    A foul wind blows , away the anchor me hearties

  • In retrospect i think that there may be a truth in there James....can't recall back when but I may have joined and expanded one of your earlier blogs ...If guilty let me be the first to apologise....Enjoy your next voyage James.....
  • No seaman by that name here
    Must be a redcoat !
    The plank for him and may the sharks take their pleasure

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