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Saturday 4th August 9.30am Sideburn ride

edited August 2012 in Club runs
Hello all,

Stick on those Wiggo go faster burns for a jaunt around the finest Herts lanes!


Olympic-tastic !!

See you tomorrow



  • all the hills a bit difficult with my small wheels
    all the rain made me rust
    cornering claimed another victim , luckily nothing serious
    .....whilst saying " cycling is a safe sport ".........just before the bend
    storm troopers headed to the black clouds and turbulence
    jolly good episode I must say

    now where is 3PO ?
  • Thanks to everyone who helped me ride today, especially Shaun.
  • Three words to describe yesterday's ride:

    Rain, rain and rain!!

    Also question of the day -is it possible to get struck by lightning on a bike &is carbon or aluminium better or worse.......

    Not sure what the final stats were as the puncture fairy caused an early detour back to Baldock.

    Gritty, character building stuff once again :)

  • I reckon a lightening strike would go straight down through your body, so frame composition irrelevant. Down your legs and a short jump to the ground - even shorter if you have long crank arms

    On the plus side, as long as you don't have a big metal antenna sticking out of your helmet, it'd probably favour a nearby tree or something similarly tall. (Leave golf clubs at home)
  • edited August 2012
    Seems like someone has already tried it: there's a chap in the US who's stage show uses lightning and he gets his wife to ride around in the middle of the storm. Woman on bike in electrical storm
  • Looks just like a typical CCA monthly pub night to me. I think I can see Bill in the shadows there.
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