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Black Pig Sails 09.30 Sun 12th

edited August 2012 in Club runs
Ahoy me Hearties !
Fair winds and the sun on your back guaranteed on the Black Pig,
with all the gold you can carry on that carbon frame.

CP will be appearing on the front as always, along with Usian Bolt
ie for no more than 200 meters , preferably 100.

09.30 into a slight South easterly
sun cream required for lilly white crew
bring bullion for a flagon of ale at 3 tuns harbour for refreshment
Cut throat Jake on the nest again



  • The light pierces the darkness
    Mordor once present has rescinded
    The fellowship grows
    Men can not choose the time in which they live,
    only how they will use the time they have been given

    So ride on dude
    I will be there

  • Pugwash back from the land of pies & beer, additional load around the girth needs to be carried, so heave to at the tunns 9.30, more crew means lighter load, will be there to assist with the heavy load. Good to see Gandalf will be there - much magic will be called for to keep the Black Pig above the plimsoll line.
  • Need a good discharge on the port side,
    that should shift some ballast.
    Not sure if the wreckage left will be a floater bobbing up and down.
    Either way nothing better than a broad side
    with the wind in your hair and the sun on your back.


    All Pirates , hobbits , elves , wizards welcome

  • Good sailing had by all,
    plenty of crew to man all stations.
    Even had a peacock showing his feathers,
    but they did fade in the last showing ;-)
    50 miles at 17.5mph ish Easterly to Duxford

    Bon Voyage me Hearties
  • Would the captain consider plotting his chart, or just the destination point, before the voyage on future trips?

    Missed you guys by a few minutes and after asking everyone out on a morning stroll i managed to get the to the Meldreth crossroads before giving up!
  • Sorry to have missed you Mr Pearce
    - but as all seafarers know, time & tide wait for no man.
    As to plotting course , that is always always dependant on wind & weather, condition of captain & crew.
    Only two things certain, 1 - Final destination is always the home berth at the three tuns,
    2 - Captain Pugwash's inability to read a chart with any accuracy may lead to shorter/longer voyage than at first anticipated.
    Thank Neptune for a regular dependable navigator to keep things on course.
    As the captain said, a good turnout from the crew , ten in all, plus picking up another new crew member as we passed through Litlington.
    50 miles as the captain said, but at a shade under 18mph.

    Here's hoping for another fair forecast for next Sunday, sailing at 9.30 from the Tuns
  • First ride back for 3 months.... And I get kidnapped by Pirates!???

    Really enjoyed it, thanks guys.... :-)
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