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Saturday 11th July 9.30am ride

edited August 2012 in Club runs
Hello all,

I know that we did this one not that long ago, but thought it would be good to (hopefully, keeping everything crossed) do it again without the Elmdon biblical storm !!!


As before, if somebody could load it into their GPS that would be great.

See you tomorrow,



  • Cowboys & Indians fancy dress birthday party for me tomorrow Dave. Yee-ha

    Have a good ride!
  • Last time this route was very wet,
    I could not see more than 4 feet.
    Last week got soaked as well.
    Can this be true ?
  • I'll tag on in Sandon - see you at the duck pond.

  • Oh dear R2 D2 hope you haven't rusted too much. Squirt of wd40 and you will be fine :)

    TimO - which one are you going to be then?

    Carolyn, see you by the pond !

  • great ride today, really enjoyed it, finally a nice bit of weather!

    To the chap on the Cervelo S1 with the deep rims who I was chatting to for most of the ride back, whisper me your email address and I'll send you that route into london from Letchworth that I use a lot. It's a pretty pleasant ride with a couple of lumps in it. Sorry, I didn't catch your name.

    Will (the other Cervelo with the deep rims in the sky jersey).
  • nice bit of weather? should probably be a bit of nice weather...
  • great ride indeed, chapeau to the fast team there was one comment at the end of a long downhill stretch where we almost looked like an elite peloton up in the 30's ;)

    great average speed on the last 1/3 guys, shame i couldn't find my legs for the last 1/2 mile 'sprint'
  • Good to see you out again, Will. Thanks to Dave for the route.
  • edited August 2012
    Great turnout this morning for an excellent jaunt around Essex. All started together, but the group was a bit big so we split into two at Brent Pelham. James and Vic (but probably just James knowing Vic's directional skills) steered one group up to Chishill and on for a fast run back via fowlmere and I steered the other on the route above.

    Lovely route is was too made even better without having to battle through a plague of locusts or indeed a rain of frogs :)

    Just one mechanical (me with my pro race3's - they don't like gravel!) and a close encounter with 5 horses as we were in full flight down the hill to Barley.

    Top moment had to be when somebody near Reed wound down their car window and shouted 'come on Bradley' to AdamR who was wearing his team GB top. Priceless !!

    Final stats were 44 miles @ 16 average. Thanks all for a great morning.

  • Great ride today
    Chishill split worked well
    Hills to start , then a tail wind blew us back
    ( felt like a pro for that bit - we hit 32mph , Bradley does it for an hour on his own in a TT ! )

    Refreshing shandy at the end
    Top stuff !

    Will try again with Captain Pugwash and crew tomorrow
  • Great ride, thanks to all...and thanks to the weather maker too..
  • Echo the comments, great ride with great weather. Think my legs were giving up a bit on the hill into Barkway. More training required! Thanks David for your directional calls... even the late ones!
  • Thanks to Vic for getting David back to the tuns.
  • Oh...was that the reason?...
    I thought it was because I was on the front...
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