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Royston Hilly - Saturday 18th August 9:30

edited August 2012 in Club runs
Not quite sure what's happened to me over the last month, but I woke up thinking it'd be fun to tackle some hills tomorrow. (Where is the real Jane Wilson and what has CCA done to her?)

Anyway, this is David's route for the finest of Royston's hills: http://www.mapmyride.com/routes/view/43646666

Doing it on my own wouldn't be fun, so let me know if you're up for it, else I might follow Susan's advice and retreat back under the duvet instead. C'mon, you know you want to really


  • I'm daft enough to enjoy a bit of torture !

    ...and I've one of Big Bad Bob's "follow me, I've been this way before" routes as an alternative if there aren't enough nutters around in the morning :o)

    Either way, see you at the Tuns.

  • Long steep hills on the hottest day of the year?

    Sounds a great idea, i'll be there!
  • Excellent. Looks like the beginnings of a 1st class expedition

    Any more nutters out there? (Plenty of room in this particular fruitcake)
  • In and up for it, sounds like a laugh
  • Washing my hair :0)
  • Those aren't hills, Jane, believe you me. Enjoy anyway. :)

    In Annecy for a couple of days, "acclimatising" in the surrounding mountains...

    It's also bloody hot here, 37 degs tomorrow.
  • Hey Shaun - good to hear from you! 37 degrees eh ... swimming in that lake is something it'd be v rude not to do

    Lloydy, your hair is beautiful. Definitely no need to wash it until tomorrow afternoon (by which time, we're all going to need a good sluicing down). C'mon, you know you want to really
  • Good luck Shaun best of luck in coming weeks!
  • Great to hear from you Shaun!

    Jane if none of the 9am rides interest me I will stick around for 9.30! If not, enjoy the weather & have a lovely ride!
  • Great turnout and it was hot, very hot. 1 broken chain, 1 puncture and somehow we missed out hill no1

    On the plus side, the youngsters set a cracking pace (... then ran out of water after hill 3). I logged 17mph av but was nowhere near the front

    Chris (Pearce) wins the prize for enthusiasm: ' let's add on Wallington Hill at the end', which oddly, nobody except me seemed to hear. All in all, a good workout - a few burning thighs, but hopefully no sunburn
  • Err.....2 PUNCTURES....as I was coming out of Sandon.....and I did Wallington Hill on my own :(

    Having said that, it was a great ride, enjoyed it, good spirit.

  • Apologies for any confusion with respect to my broken chain (3rd this year!) this morning; and thank you to Joshua and Jon for returning to check up on me - I hope the ride was not unduly delayed. Once home I quickly removed the TWO broken links, put it all back together, and took off around the Letchworth Greenway route. Cheers all.
  • Was a good turn out... On the way back it seemed if you changed a gear a bunched sprint happened ;)
  • Great ride, some pacey bits in between the hills.

    Save Wallington for next time!
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