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CHAIN GANG 21st Aug - technique

edited August 2012 in Chain gangs
Right, who wants to learn/improve technique rather than go for speed tonight?

Geoff's offered to coach. Lloydy and I are keen to learn. So all we need is a few more eager riders to join our gang

Please post here or (on the other thread called 'end of season Ride for newbies to this') - so we can manage group size


  • Oh god......

    Think my hair needs washing.........
  • Geoff was clear that it'll be v gentle pace cos that's all we need to get the technique right - and the whole point is that riders stay together and work together constantly

    Hope that reassures you Lloydy, although of course I might have guessed wrong and it's actually my heavy breathing/choice of eyewear/something else that's putting you off me. Sob :(
  • :0)...

    Your choice of eyewear is just fine ;0)
  • o.k. everyone...I can make it tonight for another starter chain gang session......Meet at 3 Tuns 6.50'ish for a 7.00pm sharp start...I must finish and be back in Ashwell for 8.00pm as I need to collect wife from Stevenage station at 9pm

    Anyone wanting to practice the technique at a slower pace than the fast boys is welcome
  • Thanks Geoff. I'll come along tonight - I need to work on my cornering skills and would be good to concentrate on technique without having to worry about speed.
    Being back in Ashwell for 8 at the latest works for me as I need to get back also.

    See you later
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