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Cyclo-Cross Training @ Knights Templar, every Weds 7pm

edited August 2012 in General
Hi all,

Cyclo-Cross Training at Knights Templar school starts up again on Wednesday 5th September and will continue every Wednesday through the autumn/winter.

This is open to anyone with a MTB. The sessions work on off-road riding skills and general cycling fitness. There is plenty of sprinting up steep banks so it's a good workout.

7 - 8:30pm.
16+ £3.50, U16 £2.50
Bring plenty to drink
Bring trainers for the running warm up
Be ready to start at 7pm
The site is floodlit but a rear light is useful



  • Hi Mark

    I'm thinking about giving this a go, mainly to assist with my winter fitness and help my road cycling.
    However, I have never done any Cyclo-Cross before. Is the session open to all abilities and experience?

  • We only tried this for the first time last year. Great mixed workout. No CX expirience necessary
  • Will be there!
  • New to all this, but recently bought a Tricross...would this be suitable? Might need some fatter tyres though.
  • That would be ideal assuming you have cyclocross tyres fitted to it rather than road/touring tyres.

    Mark F
  • Afraid I've just got the standard tyres fitted currently. 700x32c. I will save some pennies - I need a new set for road as well, so will get some decent off-road ones at the same time. I was looking at Schwalbe Marathons generally - are they to be recommended?
  • think i've got some new schwalbe cross tyres spare...........back on 12th sept so will look then if any help.
    for anyone interested the club has 2 sets of cyclo-cross tufo tub tyres available......
  • Just a reminder - can everyone do their best to be ready to ride at 7pm. Latecomers do tend to disrupt the session. If late you will still need to do a warm up including a run/fast walk. I know that some of you come from work so it's not always easy but those without that excuse I expect to be on time.

    I will collect money at the start of the session this year so everyone can get away promptly. Money collection will be at 6:55pm not at 7pm.

  • Hi Mark, my 10 year old son, who's never done anything like this and just has a mountain bike, loved the look of the YouTube vid and is interested in giving it a go. Would these sessions be the right place to start do you think?
    Thanks a lot - I may even be tempted to come along with him and give it a try myself!
    Cheers, Pete
  • Pete

    Holly and me are going and we're both complete novices - hope to see you there

  • PeterR

    Yes, he would be fine. Come along and try and see if you both enjoy.
  • Thanks Geoff they may well be of help!

    Do you need to be a member of Ashwell CC to attend? I've yet to join as I am not sure if I will be in the village for the whole year's subscription.
  • edwardajames,

    No you don't need to be a member.

    A big thanks to Pete, Nathaniel and Steve for ground clearance work yesterday evening. One more push next week and we will be ready for the race.

  • Mark do we need a full BCF race license or will a provisional license be fine for Eastern cyclocross league events?

  • Vincent,

    You just need membership to avoid paying for a day membership/licence. If you haven't sorted your league membership though there is an extra charge.

  • Hi all,

    Sorry this session is so popular it is now full. For safety and everyone's enjoyment of the session I can't take any more.

    All those who have been at least once this season you are still welcome of course.

  • Hello

    Is the training session still full and, if so, is there any way of letting people know of any vacancies in the future.

  • Hi Big Les,

    It's still full but we are monitoring things and I have a waiting list. If you whisper me your email address I will add you to the waiting list.

  • Hi all,

    Last session for this season will be Wednesday 17th April.

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