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3 Peaks Cyclo Cross 2012 - report

The Three Peaks Cylcross Race (September 30th) was at least an order of magnitude harder than I had expected. The first climb was so steep I really wondered if I could take the next step, let alone complete the whole race. A long line of cyclist clung to the shelter of a wall and slowly trudged up; it was like some diabolic image of purgatory (and I’d paid £50 for this privilege).

The wind and rain were so savage it hurt as it exfoliated one’s face. I wasn’t expecting to have to hold the bike on my shoulder with both hands to stop it blowing way.

Someone described the weather as the worst ever, with the organiser saying the summit conditions were the worst in 30 years (the 1982 edition must have been quite something!)

I did not even consider missing the cut off time beforehand, but in reality I was one of the last to be allowed up the final climb (Pen-y-ghent). I owe this in large part to the heroic effort of an unknown cyclist who had decided not to do the climb and instead used the last of his energy to pace me through the unrelenting head wind to the base of the climb. I don’t know who he was but I am enormously grateful to him and give thanks to the fellowship of cyclists.

With so much rain a comedy puddle formed. Check out these photos which come from a BC report

I came 490th out of 504 finishers. There were 595 starters, so that’s a DNF rate of about 15%

Saw a couple of guys for Eastern Region Cyclocross. (Barry Lammin from Essex Roads and Darren Myers from Crest CC). Also Darren Greene from Tri Sports.

Several bruises and my right knee is hurting. There should be a photo of me going head first over my handlebars as a bog ‘stole’ my front wheel, here's a link to a blog showing other people doing the same thing. Also a professional photographer told me off for smiling! No doubt ‘the grimace’ does appear on other images!

I am presently disinclined to do it again!

My new mantra is:




  • great report dan, i wish i could have seen the picture of you doing the endo ;)

  • edited October 2012
    As I know you of a lover of these harder challenges, I think you secretly enjoyed these conditions. well done Sir this looks EPIC!!

    incindentally, you mention the 1982 event, but tell me, how did the 1882 event compare?
  • thats a great puddle. well done, fantastic to have finished in such terrible conditions.
  • Hi,

    Sorry to rub it in... http://road.cc/content/news/68221-video-three-peaks-comedy-faceplant
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