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Operah and Lance

edited January 2013 in General
Keep your eyes peeled!!


  • Bad day...'Opera'
  • They should put the hideous perjuring scumbag in a room with David Walsh for a true grilling rather than what will be a well- orchestrated PR job!!
    We want the truth from HIM without excuses and tears- not a needle stuck in the record (never mind his arm!) with nicey nice Oprah.

    The special 90-minute Thursday night episode of Oprah's Next Chapter will air Thursday, January 17 (9:00 – 10:30 p.m. ET/PT) on OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network. In addition-the interview will be simultaneously streamed LIVE worldwide on Oprah.com.

    Read more: http://www.oprah.com/pressroom/Lance-Armstrong-on-Oprahs-Next-Chapter#ixzz2HU8YK5jl
  • They should put him against Jeremy Paxman!
  • I dont think i will be able to bring myself to watch this...surely he cant keep up the " never tested positive" line but a full confession seems unlikely with the perjury thing hanging over him as well as the various lawsuits.

    I fear Scouse is right about a well orchestrated PR job. Lots of carefully managed talk of how they were all at it, how he cured the world of cancer and lots of oppurtunities to gain sympathy from the American public.

    In the mean time he has probably got all his money safely tied up, bankrupcy will be on the cards and the big book deal on its way. Dont know how hes going to get back into top level sport though.

    By the way if you are interested theres some good stuff in this thread on lfgss. Its very long and has been going on for years and used to be called something along the lines of " Lance Armstrong doper or not?"
  • dont suppose we'll ever see wiggo or cav on oprah, now that would be worth watching
  • im there with Cav or WIGGO on Oprah....... :-)
  • If you've got Sky HD and want to see the Lance Armstrong and Oprah interview on TV in the UK, it is on Discovery HD Channel (Sky 520) on Friday at 2.00am.

    Interested as I am, I think I'll Sky+ this and not lose any sleep over it!
  • Not really interested...just still sick to the gills.....everyone who loves cycling wanted Lance to be clean, however, anyone with any real knowledge of the effort and recovery necessary after several stages knew in their hearts and heads
    that Lance had to be enhanced by drugs. I cannot see any advance on his stance of never tested positive coming forward at this or any other staged interview. He is a cheat happy to live with his own self deception. I think he truly believes he was in the right.
    Given the new science epitomised by British Cycling's programme and rewarded last year with the tour victory I am looking forward to cycling rebuilding its reputation and chucking out drug cheats. Think the UCI needs a clean sweep with new management as well as the tour.
  • edited January 2013
    Hmmm, looks like there may be some form of confession and he escapes prison and trys to get back into sport by becoming the whistleblower against Pat and Hein and the owners of US Postal! Lance the whistleblower....oh the irony. they made me do it
  • They're putting it out in two parts now !

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