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Saturday 23rd Feb 9.30am club ride

edited February 2013 in Club runs
Its going to be mighty cold tomorrow, so thought that we should have two options to choose from:


Going in a southerly direction for a more sheltered route: Ashwell, Ardley. Dane End, Bennington, Walkern, Ashwell (37mile)


or the more exposed but closer to home Ashwell two loops winter ride (Ashwell, Sutton, Sandy, Everton, Wrestlingworth,Guilden -loop1; Bassingbourn, Shingay, Guilden - loop 2)

We can decide in the morning




  • Haven't been on a ride for months, just rebuilt my old bike and am raring to go, but not sure I could keep up with you guys for 37 miles. Anyone doing 25 or so route tomorrow?

    Pete T
  • Thanks for the route Bob. Cold but got me out of decorating for a few hours at least.
  • Twelve of us braved the conditions for Bob's excellent never more than 7 miles from Ashwell route. Weather was excellent, either light snow or for some variety sometimes slightly heavier snow for pretty much the whole of the route !

    Good steady winter miles though and a fun chain gang down northfields which would have looked almost semi-pro if we hadn't run out of road !!

    No idea on the final stats as my fingers had stopped working by the time we got to the (shut) Tuns so couldn't work my comp!

    Thanks all for a good ride.

  • Enjoyed that, especially David's impromptu training session! Glad I didn't go the Tuns for coffee.

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