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Gentle beginner speed 35 miles

edited February 2013 in Club runs
I will be riding with my kids tomorrow, who want to do more miles but cannot quite stay with the normal Saturday run.
Anyone welcome. Will be stopping for coffee.


  • Alistair

    Matt has football training. Would be up for such a ride on 23rd.

  • Will be doing this again tomorrow for anyone interested

  • I'm interested, 35 miles at a stead pace and with a break I should be able to cope with ( I haven't been out for months). Are you starting at 9:30 from the Three Tons?

    Pete T ( Not to be confused with PeterT) I'm quite new to CC Ashwell.
  • Peter,
    With snow falling at the moment I think I will be giving this one a miss today. It will just put the kids off I am afraid .
  • Sounds perfect to me:)
  • Good call Alistair - it was rather nippy!

    Pete - hope you got back OK once you realised where you were.

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