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Intro Ride Saturday 2nd March

edited February 2013 in Club runs
Intro/"mini" club ride, this Saturday, 09:30 at the Three Tunns car park,
aim is for approx 20-24 miles at around 13-14 mph but we will adjust to suit whoever turns up.
See you there.


  • My wife is looking to do ~ 35 miles at around 14 mph if anyone else is up for it!

  • I'm up for a 20-24 miler Stef, need to build my legs back up again before I attempt a 35 miler, three months off the bike and I'm back to square one again (Christmas didn't help either).

    Pete T
  • Just a quick thanks to Richard, Bob and Geoff for helping Katie out when she fell today, very much appreciated. She is a little sore, but still keen to come out next week. Finding you may sometimes be able to beat your younger brother seems to be a very good motivator.

  • Intro ride (not the Richard, Bob and Geoff ride - we almost joined you but changed our minds at the last minute)
    a "hilly" intro ride for a change, up around sandon and therfield,
    21 miles, 1000 feet of climbing, 13.5 miles average ish.
    4 out. very pleasant, although it was distinctly chilly on the run back to ashwell.
  • Hi Stef
    Karen really enjoyed the ride.

    Sounds like there were good numbers out yesterday.

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