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Road pedals. Time vs Look vs Shimano

edited April 2013 in General
I have upgraded my bike and thought I would get some new pedals also. I currently have Shimano 105s, but after reading some reviews Time iclic2 racer came up, but further reading gave mixed reviews. Any views or advice would be very much appreciated. Would I be better looking elsewhere or sticking with Shimano?


  • I have time RXS because i read reviews that said that look squeak and time iclic cleats wear out quickly. The Time rxs are light, don't scratch floors, and hold in nicely with a bit of float. But I find them tricky to get into sometimes (compared to mountain bike spd pedals). I would be interested in other views as I need to buy more pedals for anew bike anyway.
  • MC... I've had a pair of exustar cleats on instead of the look keo cleats for ages. Although I wouldn't recommend exustar pedals (I had a pair that wore through within a couple of months, the front clip went) the cleats are flipping great. Cheaper and much, much more hard wearing. Red ones give you the same degree of float as look greys, I think...
  • MC - do you mean the Shimano Pedals or Cleats last longer?

    James, I use both Crank brothers and SPD and they are both easier to clip in than the Look or SPD-SL pedals I have used but I've never used Time so can't give a complete comparison

    I have been using SPD-SL since I started road cycling 4 years ago and use both 105's and DA with no real difference in functionality though 105's have outlasted DA for me - YMMV

    Recently I've used Looks a few times as I've been hiring track bikes which all seem to be fitted with Look pedals, to me they seem slightly easier to clip in than Shimano and I don't notice the difference on the bike.

    I am thinking of making the switch to Look as my current SPD's are both pretty worn so need replacing (or rebuilding) and it would be convenient to stick with the same cleats across road and track bikes (alternative would be to buy another set of shoes - or another bike but not sure that would go down too well at the moment;-)
  • I have had 105s for a couple of years, and when I got a new bike I used it as an excuse to get new pedals too - went with Look Keo Blade, mainly for the weight/price reasons. So far I love them. The cleats still look fresh after 1300 miles, they are quite a lot lighter, and a little bit cooler looking than the 105s, and they make a really LOUD noise when you clip in :)

    In terms of actual riding performance, I am not sure there is any difference.
  • I've got a set of look keo blades on one of my bikes, they're amazing compared to any other pedal I've used. Very secure clip in, let's you feel completely connected. I run keo max's (or whatever the wider platformed versions are called) on my winter bike and they're great too, but don't feel as secure as the blades. Not the cheapest pedals, though...
  • I chopped out my Crank Bros Candy and Eggbeaters for Look.
    On both Mtn and road bikes.
    BIG difference.
    You can have too much float and I wonder if it's one of the reasons I have had some leg issues?
    Mind you, my mtn bike Crank cleats were almost worn completely rounded and I should have changed them annually me thinks.
    Metal cleats = colder feet in the winter too.
  • edited May 2013
    i have look keo's, and the rubber stops you slipping all over the pace when your in a cafe or in a shop, cleat protectors are a must for me, they double the life of mine
  • you can now get cleat protectors for shimano and look, for less money than look you can get a wide metal platform which is nice and that's why many go for the shimano initially.
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