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Au Revoir Mes Amis!

edited May 2013 in General
To All @ CCA- especially those who have looked out for me since I became a caveman- you know who you are.

I am finally going to live the dream and bugger off to France.

Thanks to everyone I rode with in the many sportives and Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday runs, many others and 10m TTs (1- and it was a PB)!!

Last year or so I have been a Slack Scouse, and have been amazed to see how thriving and massive we are now!!

Many awesome memories of The Blue Train blitzing it here, there and everywhere!

Unfortunately, I will be back to ride with again!! And my 'knew' club has the most awful kit!!

Forum man put me down for a CCA cap that fits my fat head and keeps you all in my thoughts.

Will let (most!! mwhahaha) of you know where I am in France, and hope to see you cycling with me in a place you may not need three kits to plan for each ride!!

Stay safe guys

A Bientot


  • Mr Caveman is no more. Be happy
  • take care chris! Thanks for pushing me when I started out!
  • And look at you now smashing it and racing an' all!!

    Good lad. Pleasure to ride with you mate!

  • Top fella! Good luck
  • Good luck, Chris. Hope it works out well for you!
  • Chris,

    We hope it all goes well for you out there. It was great sharing rides with you and hopefully we can all hook up again sometime.

    Are you taking the pub bike to France?!

    Mark and Stevie.
  • Good Luck mate it was a pleasure knowing you, take care
  • Scouse, best of luck mate, but you're not getting away that easily, see you in France.
    and remember, la vie c'est comme une bicyclette, il faut avancer pour ne pas tomber..
  • Like that one Stef...

    Oh Chris ...you are off!
    Lucky blighter...sending you best wishes,love and good fortune mate...you will let us know won't you..
  • Au revoir mon ami. All the best. Envy you all that cheap wine/cheese/etc. But lay off the snails - they will slow you down.

    Franglais with a Scouse accent could sound great. Hope to see you again
  • Go ed Scouse and look forward to seeing you again mate. If i had known you were on yer way we could have had a going away ride ;) Dont lose touch with us all. Hopefully we can organise a ride to your new place? Live the dream and keep the faith!
  • All the best fella, only really had 1 ride with you and that was the Wells day trip !!! We spoke about France then, lucky you, take care and enjoy ;-)
  • so it's done Chris....was good to know you and will come over there some time.....as with everyone else I wish you all the best of luck. Keep the faith and wear our kit sometimes to let others know of CCA....we'll miss you
  • Good luck scouse & Bon voyage! Thanks for all the Sat rides that you navigated so expertly in my absence. Keep in touch and hope to see you again soon.

    David and Emma
  • Here's to the future Scouse! I look forward to some kind of 'Tour de Scouse' around yours next year maybe... If only just to visit my hubcaps. ;-)

    I'll shout you a cap. I'll get you a S/M. You're no bighead.

    And remember you're leaving your mark. There'll always be a small part of "moonlit" Wrestlingworth forever known as 'Scouse Corner'...

    All the best!

  • ...Scouse Corner indeed. Going to miss you chap, hopefully catch you when you are back in a week or two.
  • It was great to have you in the club Chris, enjoy france!
  • Its been a long time coming Chris. I hope that you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed our time in France. Bon chance.
  • chris.

    i am sure you will show the french how to drink red wine by the pint glass , as martin say's scouse corner will be a quiet place from now on.

    all the best .

  • Scouse, the world is your oyster. I hope you enjoy France. Looking forward to seeing the scouse cycle tours advert in cycling weekly soon. It has been a pleasure riding with you and I wish you all the best and a great life in France. Hope to see you when you are back in the country. Don't leave it too long between now and your next CCA ride.
  • edited May 2013
    Good luck Chris and thank you for providing us with your scouse humour on the Saturday rides.... take care top bloke...

    ...and never did show me that Gillott...!
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