agreed skelders....thanks to all who made the night such a success.......if more come next year where in Ashwell can we possibly meet????......
and a thought for the future guys...if the youth section were to be included what event would suit the club as I am sure that a different type of event might suit the mix of generations......possibly a second major event at a different time of year.
We are such a broad church now that it would be good to find a way to all meet and have fun.......
My thanks also to James and Georgie. Now that the effects of a surfeit of Youngs bitter has gone, I remember that I did enjoy the evening very much.
The raffle looks to have made £ 85 for the grasstrack fund. My sincere thanks to Alison who stepped in to sell tickets while I was eating, and to Alison and Stefan for their generous prizes.
Interesting that what started as a small village club is now having to think about larger premises to host an annual event - Albert Hall?
and a thought for the future guys...if the youth section were to be included what event would suit the club as I am sure that a different type of event might suit the mix of generations......possibly a second major event at a different time of year.
We are such a broad church now that it would be good to find a way to all meet and have fun.......
The raffle looks to have made £ 85 for the grasstrack fund. My sincere thanks to Alison who stepped in to sell tickets while I was eating, and to Alison and Stefan for their generous prizes.
Interesting that what started as a small village club is now having to think about larger premises to host an annual event - Albert Hall?
George and I had good fun too
Next event probably the club 10th anniversary in 2010 !
Until then back to cycling
now where has that friendly wheel gone ?