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Dunwich Dynamo

edited June 2013 in General
Now, I know this isn't exactly an Audax ride, but...

Does anybody fancy doing it this year? I'm thinking about it... it's 120 miles, leaving at 8pm on July 20th from Hackney. Once we've got to Dunwich, it's about 100 miles back to Letchworth from there. That could make it into a long night/day ride. One for the slow burners out there with a good set of headlights (oo er).

Any takers?


  • That's a lot of coke and jelly babies!!
  • edited June 2013
    rode this in 2009 - good fun and a little surreal - see link to my report below!!!

    in the morning i rode from dunwich to stowmarket and caught the train from stowmarket back to cambridge and pedalled home - 160'ish miles in total

    i have been thinking about it aswell.................
  • Come on Phil... You know you want to. Shaun, Jane, Robbie? Any takers? Could do with an experienced wheel or two to follow...
  • I'm up for this one..

  • Good heavens people, what on earth is going on here. As all right minded people know, night time is for sleeping soundly while dreaming of Pelizzoli track framesets. It is not for bicycle rides to the seaside.
  • Excellent, I'll count you in then Tim?
  • edited June 2013
    I have a front light, around 1000 lumens (?) someone can borrow - you'll just have to sent it / drop it off at my folk's in Sandon when you've finished with it.
  • Gilgamesh: do NOT click on this LINK

    Tim: When do you get your new track bike?

  • Would love to, Will, but I'll be washing my hair that night (then sleeping)

    You'll be expecting a full moon on July 20th then?
  • funnily enough, jane (my wife, not the jane above) and i did the london nightrider ride on saturday night/sunday morning, 100 km round central london, starting at midnight.
    when i signed up for it i thought it would be a very small event but it was over 4000 cyclists.
    well staged, roughly half started from crystal palace, and half from alexandra palace. very well signed, good food and drink,
    the riding was very stop/start especially in central london - do they really need all those traffic lights?! but the route took us past every landmark you can imagine, and there were some good sections out to the south, and north/west with decent climbs and some fast roads.

    overall it was completely mad and very surreal. there are a lot of people in london on a saturday night, an awful lot. cycling down piccadilly was chaos.
    with lots of slower riders, drunk pedestrians, street furniture, potholes and cobbles it was like some sort of urban cyclocross (at night)
    but there was something very satisfying about bombing round london on a bike at night - at times i felt like a 10 year old kid again for some reason.

    wont be signing up for the dunwich dynamo though... one sleepless night on a bike is all i can cope with for a while
  • Interested (of course). Are we riding there as well?
  • An extra 35 miles? My legs laugh at such a short distance.
  • Stef, did you actually STOP at a red light in London at night? you rebel you :-)
  • The lack of sleep obviously affected me badly... not only did I stop (mostly) but I shouted at others who didnt...
    took exception to these rat-race London types giving us good natured country bumpkin cyclists a bad name.

    Anyway you had to stop, Piccadilly circus at 2 a.m. was, well, like Piccadilly circus if you know what I mean
  • Rode this in 2009, amazing experience, will be riding again this year, does mess up your body clock though!
  • Brilliant. In that case:

    Congregate at mine around 4ish for pasta and coffee, leave at 5 down a nice flat route into london (codicote-Welwyn-potters bar-bounds green-hack-er-knee-me-old-mucker), arrive around 7.30-8. Eat something, leave.

    Watch the sunrise in dunwich. Eat something, leave.

    Back to Letchworth/Herts, sleep. I could even provide cake upon return if required.

    Easy as that. No?
  • Sounds harsh! not sure I could manage that (too many pork pies and not enough miles).

    Will probably take train from Ashwell to Finsbury park then short ride to start.

    Sleep on beach, then ride to nearest station and home.

    They do a great cooked breakfast at the beach cafe, opens early especially for the event.
  • Okay... Bringing this back up to the top. It's the weekend after this...

    So the options go something like this:

    1: "The full English". Meet in Letchworth to leave around 4.30pm, cycle to hackney (probably down codicote road and via potters bar, not the most scenic, but the flattest route), do the dynamo (leaving around 8-9pm), cycle back from the beach after a fry up and a roast dinner and some cake and a portion of chips. Probably around 260 miles or so, expect to be back early eve Sunday.

    2: "Eggs Benedict". Meet us in Hackney and ride the rest with us. 220 miles. Easier, and possibly leaving you slightly more civilised looking.

    3: "The Continental". Your basic Dunwich Dynamo, no frills, 120 miles followed by a cycle to the nearest station and train back home. One for those who choose a life of luxury over that of hard graft. Expect to return home without having broken into a sweat and having only consumed half a bidon of isotonic sports drink.

    Roll up, roll up, who's game?
  • so who is doing what? I know there's a bit of interest for different parts of this ride... would be good to have a bit of a blue train going at some point!
  • What is your route heading back from Dunwich to Letchworth?
    Unusually for me I'll be doing an afternoon ride on the Sunday, so sounds like i could head out East and find you guys, and tow you home.
  • Wonderful... Put in something going back via Peasenhall, Framlingham, Stowmarket, Cockfield (hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ahem), north of Haverhill, Saffron Walden, then back on the A507 more or less. not too many lanes, trying to keep things flat and a bit more direct for the leg's sake. I could send you the TCX file if you want? I'm totally open to a different route (Shaun will probably know or be able to plot a much better one with some good cafes on for example...)
  • Yeah email me a TCX file, I'll then create my own in the opposite direction to get to you. Doubt any cafe's will be open at that time on Sunday though, and i think by that time you'll just want to get home.
  • Awesome. (Ever so slightly bordering on crazy, but definitely awesome)
  • Good luck guys! If I could get decent lights i'd love to have come on this with you lot!! sounds like its a blast
  • If you are serious I have some suitable lights.

  • thanks daniel! I'll see how I feel riding tonight. I'll be on antibiotics this weekend, not sure if that changes anything
  • I think you need to have enough battery to last around 6 hours max of darkness... There will be thousands of other cyclists on the road...
  • Guys are some of you actually riding back to letchworth? How are you getting to dunwich
  • We're leaving Letchworth on Saturday afternoon... Look up at the previous post for different options.
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