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Saturday 29th June 9.30am club ride

edited June 2013 in Club runs
I'm on the earlier blue egg ride tomorrow (9am in start in Ashwell/Royston; duckpond in Sandon 9.15), so would somebody like to volunteer to run a club ride if there is enough interest from those not doing the Egg?



  • Hello, I attended the intro ride 2 weeks ago and was told I am ready for the next group. Will there be an intermediate ride tomorrow at 9.30?

  • Hi Aaron,
    I usually suggest the route for this ride, but I'm off to the Blue Egg tomorrow. That's not to say there won't be an intermediate ride if someone else would like to take it.
  • Thanks Susan. I will check back here tomorrow morning to see if anyone mentions an intermediate, if not i will go for a solo ride. I will keep my eyes open for next week if nothing appears tonight
  • My advice would be to go to the Tuns to see what is happening. Hope you have a good ride.
  • I am heading for the tuns at 9:30 as I can not fit in the ride to the egg.

    I am sue there will be enough for a decent ish intermediate
  • I a dramatic change of direction I now can't make the ride
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