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Cakes needed!

edited September 2013 in Road Racing
Hi all bakers,

As per the message on the Cyclo-Cross race thread, the catering team for the club Cyclo-Cross race need cakes to sell at the event. If anyone can donate one perhaps they can drop it off at the HQ at Knights Templar on the morning.



  • I have planted a seed of the thought in Mrs Polecat. Hopefully it will germinate into a carrot cake or similar :)
  • I'll see if I can pull anything out of the tin...

  • Doing food tech that week so hopefully be able to knock something up in lessons Stuart
  • Thanks to those above,

    After seeing the numbers at Chelmsford our catering team are panicking so any other donations would be very welcome.

    There were over 280 riders at Chelmsford including 57 youth riders. It wasn't that long ago when we were happy if there were 60 - 70 riders in total at an event.

  • I saw Mrs Polecat leafing through a cake cookery book last night. Looking good :)
  • Hi Mark

    I'll make some cakes too.

  • Hello,

    I'll do some cakes - I'll send them with Archie as I can't be there until later on.

  • Cant make tomorrow unfortunately, dropped some cakes off with Tim to bring over to help feed the masses.
    Hope its a good day for all concerned.
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