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All CCA forum members - please update your profile

edited October 2013 in General
Hello CCA forum members

Please read this important message.

Our forum is now over five years old and we discussed its state at Friday's committee meeting. Broadly, we are happy with the way things are.

One improvement we'd like to make immediately, is to implement a new policy on identity. We want to take a lead as a Club in promoting safe and positive online communication. We think that makes a great statement about the kind of Club we aspire to be. And, stay well away from the kind of atmosphere that can go on in more unregulated forums: just check out one or two of the public cycling forums out there and you'll soon see they can be bitter and cynical places full of faceless, trolling entities.

So. We want to ask all existing members to update the personal info part of their membership account immediately. It will take less than 30 seconds. It will provide a certain degree of identity, while protecting privacy too;
1. Sign in
2. Click on 'Account' on the top of the forum
3. Click on 'Personal information'
4. Enter your first name, surname initial, and tick that you agree to make this name+surname initial visible to all.
5. Scroll to the bottom and click Save to make the update happen.

You'll see there are other choices on this page. These are all optional.

Please can we ask members to ditch any 'duplicate' memberships they have. One member. One account. The only exception I can think of is me! Having an account marked Forum Admin is good for servicing and highlighting the needs of the forum membership. Like now.

A month from today, mid November 2013, we will delete any of the current 418(!) accounts that have no real name in the Personal Information seciton, on the assumption that they are abandoned accounts from lapsed forum members, or duplicates.

If you are reading this and it's too late, simply reapply for a new membership and I promise to be quick to confirm status. Let other members know of this policy on club rides and catch-ups.

To be clear, keep your 'forum name' as you like: real or 'Cam Pagnolo', 'Ellie Van Speed', 'Minnie Pump' etc. It's only in the Personal Information area where we want some real identity.

I'll try and get to the next First Tuesday pub night to be on hand with questions. Actually, I was going to do a 'It's easy to upload pictures' session too.

Also, two other reminders while I'm here. Please keep your conversations 'Certificate U', bearing in mind we appeal to families and encourage the yoof to interact with the forum. And please keep 'on topic' broadly with cycling and our Club. Please don't be offended by any edits by me if I deem anything otherwise: I'm just applying these guidelines.



  • edited March 2014
  • edited March 2014
    For those that clearly did not click on the link above here is the definition of a Troll...

    A Troll is a person who sows discord on the internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflamatory, extraneous or off topic messages in an online community ( such as a forum, chat room or blog) , either accidentally or with the deliberate attempt of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on topic discussion.
  • Hello everyone

    We are soon going to start deleting all the accounts without a real first name and last name initial in the Personal Information panel [see above for How-To].

    If you have a duplicate account - just leave the Personal Information area empty, or delete the data from it - so we know to ditch it.

    It will take a while to process them all, but we will start next week. So please take the 30 seconds or so to update your profile before you have to mess about reapplying should we delete it by mistake.

    Hope to see some of you at the Pub Night tomorrow. A chance to discuss 2014's goals!
  • Hello everyone

    Just a final call; in a few days, I'm going to start deleting any forum accounts with no real first name and last name initial in the Personal Information panel [see above for How-To].

    I've just had a quick look and can see a few active members who haven't done this.

    It's no major deal if your account gets deleted by error - simply reapply and you'll be back on.

  • If you receive an email along these lines - don't be alarmed.


    This message is to inform you that your account at CC Ashwell online clubroom has been
    assigned to the banned role. This role does not have permission to take
    part in the discussions.

    If we have 'banned'[deleted] you by error - let me know [martin@ccashwell.com].

    You will receive this note for each, if any, of your duplicate forum accounts.

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