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The ides of October

edited October 2013 in Club runs
beware dear pirates the ides of oct
there are those amongst us who would have you f.ollowed

Poor Baranabos has been deleted
and so the club becomes depleted

fear not brave pirates we shall abound
let not your spirit be trodden and ground

lets hoist the jolly roger once more
and just laugh off a frightful bore

the crew will set sail again next week
so there is no need to sneak a peak

so wash your mouth of apparent double entendre
Mary whitehouse is clearly washing her laundry

So dear pirates ,lets hoist the jolly roger once more
to the horizon we shall , go forth, and explore


PS read quick before she goes, our editor friend does not like prose


  • fear not James. everything you write makes me laugh till I cry......by the way you never told me what you are on so I can avoid taking it. Your metre is a tad off...needs working on.
  • FDFD
    edited October 2013
    All at sea
  • you have wended your Way
    through this murky affray
    with aplomb, panash and some style.

    the rules from this day
    are intended to stay
    posts which unconsciously rile
  • FDFD
    edited October 2013
    Long Gone Silver
  • I wish that were so
    But for those in the know
    It often is worse than it sounds

    We trust that you few
    will in future eschew
    the temptation to stray out of bounds

    p.s. B. It needs to scan unless it's prose. Don't you knowse? (poetic license)
  • Poetic pirates - on the run?
    Only trying to have some fun!

    Jake leaves the crew to find their way
    only to find they go astray.

    Fear not, Jake will soon be back,
    if only to get things back on track,

    The Black Pig must be made more sound,
    afore she goes and runs aground

    Enough of all this bawdy discourse
    get back upon a righteous course,

    Don't lose your way,
    turn the ship around,

    Don't want the crew up on dry land,
    may end with Matron taking things in hand.

  • edited October 2013
    rules are not for pirates, it must be said
    if its that you want, then stay in your bed

    The pig is free to fly where ever it feels
    it is not constrained by fatuous deals

    So for all those redcoats with righteous indignation
    there are plenty of rides to satisfy your inclination

    pirates are fueled by the fun in life
    we are not constrained by troubles and strife

    all pirates are welcome, but its not for all
    its depends if your are serious, or like having a ball

    So make your choice and then live with it
    beware those who enter ........ you might just well fit

  • FDFD
    edited October 2013
    Gone to lunch
  • edited October 2013
    verbose ..too long Andy and James. Try Haiku. Getting there John :-)

    two wheels
    cyclists go far
    pirates; how so?


    sail away
    we smile goodbyes
    happy together
  • FDFD
    edited October 2013
    Long gone
  • anapestic tetrameter would be:=

    though you strain in the main to explain all in vain
    we remain not so vain no such strain no disdain

    we include never rude none eschewed lycra dude .
  • The committee's decision in the Sticky is all about making our forum a positive place where anyone and everyone can enjoy banter about cycling. We want to be the friendliest Club around. Please update your profile as requested and take note of all the points raised.

    We all like a bit of a laugh, but its worth remembering anything you write is seen by anyone who reads the forum, potential members, people from other clubs, and of course all the junior and youth members from our club. When you write on the forum you are representing the club and all its members. That's why we edit out bad language and anything else that you wouldn't say to a youth member face-to-face. As well as non-cycling stuff that's better off elsewhere.

    To be absolutely clear: there is no forum “ban” on anything else. As long as its appropriate, and you are representing the club responsibly, please post what you like on the forum - that's what its there for. But please do think about the people and the club that you are representing.

    There have been so many positive things happening in the club recently, the hill climb and cyclo-cross this weekend to name but two. I'd love to see more energy and focus on our brilliant achievements. Just my view.

    Happy to talk more. As a committee we always welcomes feedback.

  • Quite agree as it is also discrimination against us non-rhyming pirates
  • FDFD
    edited October 2013
    Nothing here
  • Barnabas my friend, its true, this proses catches fast
    but with storm clouds approaching i fear i wont last

    For land lubbers with delete buttons have set in their sights
    to rid the high seas of this pirate blight

    so my tricorns on e-bay with my cutlass and my parrot
    and i just put in a bid for a flat cap and a carrot

    now i may look a plonker on the poop deck in a swell
    but will fit in quite nicely with the good folk of Ashwell
  • FDFD
    edited October 2013
    Move along there please
  • the smell of Mordor and orcs abounds
    the eye has choosen to send in the hounds

    the dark lord welds his ring of power
    to stop the pirates as they blossom and flower

    no more can you multiple, or even duplicate
    the nameless one will soon close the gate

    Adew, adew, my hartis lust.
    Adew my joy and my solace.
    With dubyl sorrow complain I must,
    until I dye, alas, alas.

    my time on middle earth will end
    goodbye , goodbye my soul mate and friend

  • Speechless ?
    you soon will be

    I am with Gandalf the Grey , off with the pixies

  • ......."£$%^&%$£



  • FDFD
    edited October 2013
    Nothing to see here
  • someone turn the lights on please !

    Gandalf a troll ? that's a good one
    he says goodbye to an item that is about deleting him ( and 250 others it seems )
    this makes him a troll
    the act of saying something I assume ,linked to sinister characters on the net
    nice one

    so what is wrong with every character having a name to stop the anonymous issue
    delete any without this
    leaves the fun, without the threat

    PS for those who do not get it , you write in the style of the character that is posted, hence multiple ones, its called fun

    bring back the days of Cavendish on the forum,

    PPS I have added please , so it is polite, right ?

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