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black Pig ride Sunday - cancelled again - sorry

edited October 2013 in Club runs
for all you children that have gone astray
now is the time to look away

the pirates are going to play with each other
best you go and hide with your brother

you have been warned !!!!

Ahoy me fellow trolls
storms are a brewing, but looks like it may clear a bit by Sunday
( subject to the eye not blowing us off the forum of course )

09.30 as normal, 15-16mph , 35 -40 miles
( for those obsessed with cycling )

bring some bad jokes and bad language
those who get offended, will be
best you go on a different ride

ho ho ho and a bottle of rum
if you can not drink it all then , stick in you bike cage of course



  • yawnnnnnn............
  • look forward to seeing you, since our trip its now grizzley bears backsides !!!
  • good to hear from you - Chapeau !
    sounds like the trip was fun

    see if we can spot some for you :-)
    good to hear a few stories

    maybe a bit damp on Sunday, but go unless really bad

  • Good to hear from you Tony, bet Alaska was a great trip. Did you have an exercise bike/gym on board, so you could keep some fitness over the 7 weeks or so? I'll be back out in a couple of weeks to catch up, ship's surgeon permitting.
  • good to hear from you Tony and there was me thinking you pros went to Majorca or sunny climates no wonder you are so quick with bears chasing you. Good to hear from you Nogbad looks like that fall gave you a split personality or three. Hope to join the raggity crew
  • FDFD
    edited October 2013
    See you in a couple of weeks Pete....oops there I go again....what do you mean about split personalities? Can't wait to get back on the bike again...eyeing up a new winter frame for mudguards.
  • Hi James

    Do you remember the 'Buy Now' button? Well it worked and both frames arrived. Will bring one tomorrow - I've stuck some 1980's bit's on one of them to make it into a bicyle.

    Is it essential to have a mudguard on for this Sunday? (Might struggle to get one on and it's forecast to be sunny)

  • mud guards optional
    you of course get more abuse without one
    I currently have the bidet effect
    must get one as well

  • FDFD
    edited October 2013
    Pirates are used to salty spray, but mudguards are essential at this time of year to avoid spraying over each other.

    Joe Creamcheese
  • Ahoy me maties

    looks like the pig is cursed
    I have done my leg ( yes pulled it )
    and weather is at best awful

    So once again time to bail out
    sorry pirates

    feel free to still ride if you are up for it
  • Me too captain

    rain and heavy seas here and I fear capsizing

    Time for a landlubbers session to keep the peg leg free of worm and await for fairer sailing
  • You blokesh will never get your VO2 maksh up if you keep crying off. Here in de Nederlands we are alwaysh underwater.

    Joe Creamcheese.
  • Pirates do not like being under water
    as a cabin boy would enjoy climbing the crows nest
    now not good for the arthritis

    Joop to lead the way into the eye of the storm

  • Who's been pulling your leg, Cap'n....Is it 'you don't want to do it like that'?

    Joop fears that he won't be around here long. Time to get out and improve my aerobic capacity.

  • edited October 2013
    have you recovered Joop ?

    mine is an annoying short term thing
    should be gone soon and back to normal
    pain going away with a bit of ice

    hoping for reasonable weather and a decent ride next week

  • The schip's shurgeon is taking a peek this Wedneshday and I'm hoping there is a schmall chancsh that I may be allowed a gentle schpin nexsht weekend. But not with the schip's kompany for a bit, more remedial training/gym worj and physhio schtuff. I exchpecht to be walking up schtairs quite a lot.

    Don't washte all your ice on your knee, schave schome for your rum. Schounds like I've been drinking myschelf.

  • John, Tony and I enjoyed a good 40 mile ride this morning out to Gransden Lodge. Although windy most of the ride turned out to be dry. It was an enjoyable ride and thanks for your company. See you all next time. Rupert
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