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Sunday 09.30 ride

edited November 2013 in Club runs
Ahoy fellow travellers

tough week at the helm
So 40 miles , flatish route , 15 mph
winter bikes and speeds

steady as she goes - easy !



  • What direction does the pig sail Cap'n?

  • bright,cold and slight north westerly
    so head out east, back via abbotsley so wind behind
    flat that way
    barnabas and cut throat jake ?
    the salt will put a tear in my eye

    going out for some grog
  • Would have been perfect......except for excess grog last night in BBB....Barnabas' Birthday Bash. Head mislaid somewhere.....dry land rolling underneath me this morning.

    Will make do with tentative solo voyage....first since early September....back on board the Pig soon.

  • a fine voyage indeed
    40 miles at 14.8 mph , call me Mr Ronseal

    no Barnabas or cut throat jake .........light weights

    the sun shone even up Wimpole hill
    good ride
    see you next week


    for avoidance of doubt I am due to have hangovers for the next 3 weeks
    be kind fellow travellers
  • I am no lightweight, Cap'n....after recent inactivity I have managed to burst through the magic 100 kilo barrier....extra ballast for forthcoming winter seas!

    ....however, first ride today for 8 weeks and managed 25 miles @ 15 knots in very pleasant conditions....hook now in ice pack and ice packed in glass for medicinal snifter.

    Back to fuller figure...er, I mean full fitness soon...

  • Thanks all

    Great morning and ride. Thanks to Nick for the emergency gel for Matt. Sorry to have missed you Barnabas. Hope the recovery is coming along well!

    Hope to be out again soon.

  • Thanks Peter, hope all well. Haven't seen you for months!

    Felt good to be out again and I'm feeling positive this evening that the hand held up so well today. I've really missed my bike and being out with the club....see you soon.

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