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CC Ashwell Cyclo-Cross Race 27th September
The annual CC Ashwell Cyclo-Cross promotion will be on Saturday 27th September at Fairlands Valley Park, Stevenage. Hopefully we can get lots of the new youth members riding.
We need about 6 people to set the course up, 10 marshalls for the event, two judges and someone to help Stevie with signing on. David Swain has already agreed to do the First Aid again. Phil Adams is going to coordinate marshalls again.
Can you please post on here if you can help.
We need about 6 people to set the course up, 10 marshalls for the event, two judges and someone to help Stevie with signing on. David Swain has already agreed to do the First Aid again. Phil Adams is going to coordinate marshalls again.
Can you please post on here if you can help.
Adult Maynards are happy to help. I can help with signing on. I suspect the three youngsters will want to take part this year rather than marshall.
The event will now be at Knight's Templar School at Baldock so much nearer. The dates and times remain the same. I still need marshals and course builders and only the Maynards, Martin and Geoff have confirmed so far. Please let me know if you can help.
Does anyone have a petrol strimmer they can lend me a couple of days before the race? Or even better still could you bring your strimmer with you and meet me there one evening before the event?!
I would be happy to help.
Alistair Sclare
yep put me down to help
Happy to help out.
M: 07738 348 676
E: stuart.anderton@sky.com
I don't have an email address for you. Are you ok to help setting up the course at 8am?
Just to go over a few details for the CC Ashwell Cyclo-Cross race on Saturday 27th September. The venue is The Knights Templar School, Park Street, Baldock, Herts SG7 6DZ. We are using the Sports Centre grounds. However please park on the school playground to the left NOT in the Sports Centre car park, apart from Julie who will need to unload.
This is the current list of helpers:
Geoff Godschalk First Aid
Bill Lewis/Knocker Shields Judging
Julie Griffiths Catering
Stevie Wyer/Alison Maynard/Margaret Betts Signing on
Steve Kirtlands Marshalling
Richard Maynard Marshalling
Carmelo Luggeri Marshalling
Martin Lawless Marshalling
Phil Adams Chief Marshal
Tim Skelding Marshalling
Alec Robson Marshalling
Stuart Anderton Marshalling
Louise and Steve Marshalling
Tony Pez Marshalling
Could all those marshalling please help with course building as well. Can you let me know if you cant help with course building so I know how many will be there. Can you also help with taking the course down or let me know if you need to rush off afterwards. Anyone who helps with setting up the course is welcome to take part in the race. If anyone has a son or daughter very good at using laptops/PDAs, perhaps you could volunteer them to help with judging, especially for the senior event.
Can you be there for the following times:
Course building 8.00
Signing on/catering 9.30 prep for 10.00 start
Judges/First aid 10.30
First race (U16) 11.00
Under 12s race 12.00
Senior event 13.00
Last races over by 14.15
Take course down 14.15
Prize presentation 14.45 approx
Pack up and finish 15.30ish
Meet at the Old White Horse afterwards to recover.
yes will be there at 8
email is alecrobson@btinternet.com
Over 100 riders in all categories - results at http://easterncross.users.btopenworld.com/race08-09-3.htm Well done to the Ashwell youth/u12 riders who took part.
Sorry we missed most of you at the pub. Presentations and tidying up meant we didn't make it until 4pm.
The event made a small surplus of just over £90 for the club coffers.