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Sunday 09.30 ride

edited June 2014 in Club runs
Ahoy pirates

I have family commitments this week, hence will not be riding on Sunday.
who will take the ride ?
FD perhaps or ANO
someone post to say they are doing it. Have a good one weather looks great



  • I will be there if I have recovered from my Friday night hangover
  • I will be at the tuns for 9.30 and up for a steady 50
  • I'll be there.

    A threat of rain in the morning, 14-17 Celsius.
  • Good ride for spotting other clubs - who all seemed to have bigger pelotons than we (5) did

    Fratello Tom wins the prize for speedy descents (and he wasn't even pedalling)

    Nice brief bit of shelter from St Neots CC - thank you - and I particularly enjoyed the pacey descent with them, then little climb into Gamlingay. At which point we nearly lost James, who's fuse seemed to have been lit at about the same time as mine and he didn't want to slow down for anything. Somebody yelled 'LEFT' and harmony was restored to the CCA mini-peloton, with grins all round. And off we set for home. Then followed the mandatory blast along Northfields. And in the end, I logged my fastest ever 40 on the winter bike.

    The perfect set up for another tough week at work. Thanks All :)
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