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SUBS....PLEASE READ!!! Bank details are at the top, pay before May

edited March 2013 in General
.....Cycle Club Ashwell, Barclays, Hitchin, 20382167, 20-41-12.
IMPORTANT; please put "subs" and the names you are paying for in the reference. If you dont we will assume it is a donation and will ask for your subs again!

Yes, its almost that time again. If you are thinking that the last Subs sticky has only just gone thats because it took 10 months to get last years subs in.

In an attempt to make it easier to pay we have been working on an online payment system with British Cycling. The way that this works is that all club members will get an email from BC inviting them to pay their club subs on line (not their BC membership which is separate). BC collect all the payments and then pay CCA. You do not need to be a BC member as we have put all non BC members onto the system (although we strongly recommend everyone joins BC and we might make this compulsory in the future anyway)

Now, this is a new tool from BC and isnt quite fully functional yet. Im hoping to be able to get it working after the Easter break but in the meantime please hold off sending cheques. If you do get an email, please pay ASAP.
If we can't get it sorted soon ill put the clubs bank details on here and you can pay that way.

So, subs are due 1st April and are £15 for over 18's, £5 for under 18's and £10 for second claim. There is no family rate (we have raised the £5 from 16 to 18 instead)
No payment by 1st May means you are not entitled to ride with the club or wear club kit.

I will keep you posted on progress with the online payment system and hopefully we can collect the subs quickly and not spend the rest of the summer chasing people.


  • Hi Tim,

    I only paid my subs on Feb, does this mean I owe again in April??

  • Same thing for me - I only just got the message that my subs had cleared and I was a member. That was February do I have to pay again.
  • No, if you have just joined no need to pay again.
  • Hi Tim

    will BC be charging the 60p for all card transactions like they do for events?

    Can we have the option of paying by BACS aswell?

  • BC have never mentioned a 60p charge, but i will check.
  • Brilliant!
    Well done for getting the online thing going.
    Been hunting high and low for a cheque book!
  • Right..so it looks like the BC online system wont be ready until after our deadline of 1st May.

    So please transfer your subs into the following account.....Cycle Club Ashwell, Barclays, Hitchin, 20382167, 20-41-12.
    IMPORTANT; please put "subs" and the names you are paying for in the reference. If you dont we will assume it is a donation and will ask for your subs again!

    You can still send a cheque or cash to David but we would prefer a bank transfer if possible.

    If you havent paid by 1st May, please dont ride with us.
  • I've only just got my first cheque book, what a waste!

    No thanks Tim, far easier way of paying.
  • Tim, can i bring mine to the TT on the 1st ? Regards Nigel.
  • Aye, no problem
  • edited August 2014
    Subs all paid David. Richard
  • edited April 2013
    Am I to assume (assumption and supposition being the mother of all mess-ups) from this: that if subs were initially paid post 01 May, they are due, when they are due, and not before?
  • Er..no. All subs are due 1st April even if you initially joined part way through the year.
  • Oooops!

  • Subs paid into bank club account for Lucy,Ella and vincent Friedlander on 15th April ref 3xfriedlanders.
    Unfortunately there was no room to include subs in the reference due to my interesting surname.
  • May 1st tomorrow everyone: first Club 10 of 2013... and CCA 2013/14 membership deadline day.

    Quickest, easiest way to pay - over the internet;

    Cycle Club Ashwell, Barclays, Hitchin

    Account number 20382167
    Sort code 20-41-12

    IMPORTANT; please put "subs" and the names you are paying for in the reference. If you dont we will assume it is a donation and will ask for your subs again!
  • paid today sorry a day late!
  • edited June 2013
    We have done much better this year folks, nearly everyone has paid up, many thanks for your cooperation. We have the following names on the list that haven't. Some i dont know, some may not be rejoining or may not be riding this year. Sorry if you have just paid.

    But for those still riding with us please pay now or stop riding with us. Thanks.

    Baker Gavin
    Baker James
    Bedford Tim
    Boyle James
    Gledhill David
    Harding Neil
    Harding Caroline
    Lloyd Mark
    Lynn Matthew
    Pearce Mark
    Porter Jamie
    Rayner Trahern
    Sanders Amanda
    Titley Richard
    Wattkiss Edward
  • In the name and shame game
    best to check the bank first
    mine says I have paid

  • edited June 2013
  • edited June 2013
  • edited June 2013
  • If anyone on the outstanding list is wondering what's going on because you've paid - it would be good to let David know when you made your transfer so he can trace it easily and check it came thru OK. Email david@ccashwell.com

    Apologies for any blips on our behalf

  • I'll try and find proof but I'm pretty certain that I have paid.

  • Hi I have rejoined.

    Paid vis internet, tried email to David but will not deliver I suspect due to spam setting. Gets Kicked back.

    See you out there...
  • I wonder how many people on the list above have actually read this message? I didn't until now.

    I always pay, so generally don't bother reading the messages about subs. I now wonder why I am on the list? My reference was 'Subs richard titley'. Can you check please as now I am worried I have paid into a random persons account!

    Thanks, Rich
  • Don't worry Rich, this is a post from 2013 !!
  • Ha ha, ok I will also check the post date!
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