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Sunday 3rd 09.30 ride

edited August 2014 in General
Ahoy fellow travelers

Due for a galleon of grog over the weekend
Sons come of age to set sail on the high seas
Forecast bad health on Sunday for the Captain, hence I will not be there
Best of the weather on Sunday, enjoy your ride



  • Is anyone still planning to ride at 9.30 tomorrow?
  • Yo Ho

    Weather set fair for Sunday, if a bit blustery.

    In the Cap'n's grog induced absence I will lead the route -

    The Bourn(e) Ultimatum. Flat 46 miles @ 16-17mph average. Out to Wrestlingworth, Potton, Waresley, Caxton, Bourn, Haslingfield, Newton, Thriplow, Fowlmere, Melbourn, Bassingbourn, Ashwell.

    All are welcome, but you need to at least be able to complete the ride at the stated average. We do stop the group and wait for repairs etc, but if you are a beginner, or unsure of your capabilities, perhaps you might prefer the alternative 'steady' Sunday ride at 9am, where the intended pace is aimed at 15mph, or even one of the excellent introduction rides.

    Please also take note of the following as a guide:

    It is neither a training run nor a race. It is a social ride with the chance to speak to your fellow riders
    Two straight lines keeping a steady pace, where traffic conditions allow.
    We all take a turn on the front, especially with the wind blowing tomorrow!
    Don't half wheel to prove you're stronger than the rider next to you
    Please listen for any instructions to keep the ride at the intended average pace.
    Don't cross the middle of the road and respect other road users.
    All sound advice and good manners, really.
    Oh, and let's have some fun

    See you tomorrow

  • Yo Ho

    9 out today on a fine sunny day for the Bourn Ultimatum. Good to see a few new faces out in the group and welcome back a recuperating Vic. Jane also using today as a recovery ride! Well done young Sam on your first ride with us.

    All stayed together on a lovely flat route, blown out with a fair wind to Bourn at over 18mph average, cruising along at over evens on the smooth road from Gt Gransden to Caxton. Slowed a bit on the way home into the wind and 3 turned off from the group to their own destinations, but still managed 46 miles @ 17.3mph.

    We were caught by MC's medium/ fast group just outside Litlington and they cruised past, as they began to look for the final sprint. No interest from our group (knackered legs!), but did have a chat at the 3 Tuns, after finding the Maynard Cafe bereft of life!

    Hope you all enjoyed it and see you after I get back from Snowdonia.

  • A nice route John and at a pace that was good for all.

    Enjoyed it, thanks.
  • Thanks John

    Sam - have a look on the website for the Thurs grass track session. You can just turn up and give it a try. Better still, have a word with one of the coaches there and they'll be able to tell you all about what's on offer to under-18s at CCA
  • Do turn up by all means Sam...however Tim will confirm, but I think the track go-ride is coming to its normal end of season soon. There was a waiting list Jane so I am not sure you can just turn up and expect to ride. Best to give Tim Duckett a call or mail him at timd@ccashwell.com for info.
  • Suggest we amend the wording on the website, because 'Pop along, try us out, see for yourself' suggests that newcomers don't need to pre-arrange a Thurs eve grass track session!
  • Probably right Jane. Given the time of year and school holidays there are probably ample coaches to cope. It always was the case come August that the coaches would be there and far less kids. Tim and Mark will know the situation. I saw that last week there was no coaching on the Thursday.
  • Sounds a fine ride and crew
    Captain was still entertaining numerous folks, but back next week

    You will be pleased to hear that Captains version of " one step beyond " went down well Sat night
    The dance floor was buzzing

    So learn the intro, we can do next week :-)
  • Yo Ho Cap'n

    I bumped into one of your sons' birthday knees up guests from Reading yesterday morning outside Bob S's house and he told me to ask about your Madness solo! As a ship's Cap'n, I thought you would have requested Night Boat to Cairo!

    None of the usual suspects out yesterday - no Bullet, No Nonsense Nick, Cut Throat Jake, John R or yourself, so must all have been recovering from the Grogfest Saturday night.

    I'm away next week touring in Snowdonia, but around this week if thinking of afternoon/early evening rides.

  • In Belgium this week
    ( I hear they do beer )
    But usual Friday night, weather to be checked as dodgy at the moment


    PS they did ghost town as well ( without the Captain )
    I think the bullet is attempting blackmail with a phone video
  • You and beer and Belgium? Sounds like the key ingredients for a Tour of Flounders.

    Speaking of which, we should start thinking if we're serious about a Spring classic trip, as discussed with Richard M.

    Keep in touch re Friday afternoon.

  • I'm free

    Discuss at a Sunday coffee Maynards special

  • In that case, should we call it 'Cap'n John Inman goes to Belgium'?!
  • I do like how you get the references !
    Is it clever or just old ?
  • I'm both of those.

    I think that we should carry on as we're all doing very well.

    We even had a (Cap'n) Peacock award on the ride last week.

    Truly we are being served.

  • In Hertfordshire again 22nd August for a week -hoping to meet up for the Friday night / Saturday and Wednesday rides
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