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Medio Chain Gang_5th August

edited August 2014 in Chain gangs
Meet 3 Tuns @ 7 pm

2 laps @ ~ 22 -23 mph

Let's keep it smooth!



  • i am keen to learn this dark art and not normally about on a Tuesday but can do this one. don't want to be the bloke who holds you all back so let me know if this is not the right one for me
  • Sirlez

    Come and try it - you can join me at the back (or off the back)

    Then there's a pint to look forward to as it's club night.

  • Should be there, journey home permitting.

  • Ditto - Stuart are you driving over? I was considering riding this week if I can get home in time.
  • A sizeable group out tonight (12 +). The pace meant the group fragmented.

    Lap 1 @ 23.1 mph
    Lap 2 @ 22.5 mph

    Again a bit of a tailwind down to Bassingbourn meant we started at quite a brisk pace. A little bit ragged at times.

    We probably need to knock the speed back a little going back to ~ 22 mph as previous weeks to enable us to ride smoother and more as a group.

    Points to consider:

    1. Don't surge on the front
    2. Don't allow a gap to open to the rider in front and then surge to rejoin
    3. Don't be afraid to miss a turn to recover if needed
    4. Measure the effort on the front on the inclines
    5. Communicate!

    I'm not out next week. Have a good ride!


  • Thanks Guys. Apologies for ditching after Lap 1. Technical problems with the gears causing too many issues.
    Hope to sort at the weekend, and provide a better effort next week.
  • guys.....6 is a really good grouping and tends to be smoother. Why not make 2 groups and start with a 3 minute gap.
  • the pace was too much for a first outing! Thanks for the support and for Guy who stayed with me so we completed both laps at least!
  • Thanks Geoff - something else to consider for the last outings of the year. Tim (Timmer) and I actually discussed this point after the ride last night.

    Les - it was a little fast for a first try out. Glad you were able to hook up with someone to complete two laps.
  • Thanks everyone and good to see some new faces and welcome some old back or who had their first go at this ride. Still my favorite ride of the week this.

    Agree the group was a bit large and should be split into two if there are this many again. Should arrange by experience and speed at which people are comfortable riding.

    Some coaching on what to do when you get to the front would be beneficial for smoothness and awareness of the wheels around.

    Apologies for moving out to fill in a gap and not looking. @ Mark W you were very kind and what happened to you at the turn??
  • James - no problem, it wasn't that bad. You didn't really need to fill the gap on the resting line.

    I missed the turn - to focused on making my legs work! If I hadn't just hit the front I would have followed everyone else. After the turn the wind was too strong to catch you up.

    Sirlez, that was me who rode with you. I think we put in a hard lap, so well done. You should be fine next time.

    I don't think Tri-bars should be allowed in the chain gang - apologies to the rider with them, but they can be a safety issue. If we have to stop suddenly they could go into the back of the rider in front of you. They are not allowed on club runs so shouldn't be allowed on the chain gang either.

    Whoever is organising the chain gang should gently point this out to new riders.

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