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Sunday 10.30 am - Once more

edited January 2015 in Club runs
Ahoy weather hermits

Weekend looks interesting to put it mildly.
Current thinking about mountain bikes on the road from 10am
I have an old tank, so will be 10 mph max
Go about 20 miles.

So can not face a turbo ?
How slow can you go ride
Keep watching



  • FDFD
    edited January 2015
    Yo Ho

    Has the Black Pig become the Slow Boat to Chrishall and will it be another Sunday in Hell?

    I'll be there on the 'cross bike!

    Freezing Dutchman
  • Yo Ho

    BBC forecast says snow,1C and 20mph winds at 9am, 'rising' to 2C by noon!

    I am reviewing the situation....

    Frosty Dutchman
  • Will keep checking but if all good and Mtb/cross bikes are the order of the day then cross bike it is :-)
  • This morning a sign of things to come
    Will keep checking and post tomorrow
    Could do circuits just around the Mordens until had enough

    My mtb is over 30 years old so will be slow and steady
    But getting out is good
    Getting cabin fever

    Probably 10 am start
    Hot drinks after

  • Yo Ho Cap'n

    Sounds like a snow-chain gang circuit.....

    .....I thang yow!!

    Laughing Dutchman
  • aw gawd
  • Ahoy snow monsters

    Yeti to decide if you are riding
    Well 10.30 on your worst bike
    ( rain stops about 9am )
    Ie mtb or train commute or something with a basket
    8 mph or as slow as we need to
    Stay local for about an hour or 90 mins

    Let the madness begin
    Only gritted roads
    Pirate prize for worst bike ridden
    ( just got the gears to change on my tank )
  • Flat pedals can not clip in
    no suspension
    Made of steel
    Fat gel saddle
    Child gear change kit
    Bright orange paint
    ( like the Dutchman )
    Max speed about 10-12 mph

    Beat that !
    Oh snow you can't

  • Yo Ho

    Tomorrow the Black Pig becomes the Endurance, crawling slowly through the pack ice

    Hopefully not crushed, unlike the Cap'n's ribs

    It's snow joke being out in testing conditions

    Fat tyres the order of the day - on the bike as well as around the stomach

    Get your winter clothing on and come for a gentle spin

    Now is the winter of our discontent
    Made glorious summer by this sun of York;
    And all the clouds that lour'd upon our house
    In the deep bosom of the ocean buried.

    Flailing Snowman
  • Should be out on the mountain bike subject to final weather report
  • Time to cross to the other side
    Mtb order of the day
    Raspberries to the roadies
    Sneer at the snow
    Jolly Roger flying high

  • Yo Ho

    Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather.

    John Ruskin

  • Ahoy

    It's on !
    10.30 from 3 tuns
    See you soon


    bring those rusty old forgotten mtb
  • The fantastic four out on cross and mtb
    19 miles at 13 mph
    Artic winds made 4 layers seem nothing
    But great to be out
    Fat tyres made for a reassuring ride
    Coffee , caramel wafers and fig biscuits - lovely

    Pics of mountain climbs for motivation
    Good morning
    may do again if dodgy next week

  • FDFD
    edited February 2015
    Yo Ho

    Artic winds the right description, reminds me of The Cruel Sea

    The section from Bassingbourn to Wendy on the snow-chain-gang circuit was excruciating

    Thought we would be blown backwards, spinning furiously for 10mph!

    Wind proof top was no such thing, but good to get out

    Quite a few brave souls out on the roads braving the elements, Richard M braving the shopping!

    Cap'n's cabin was much warmer and as welcoming as usual - thanks indeed for coffee and snacks

    Days like today are a good foundation for the summer rides ahead

    Plenty of pictures of monstrous moorish mountains and talk of rides to Wales and Wells- a lot of alliteration.

    Frozen Dutchman
  • Yo Ho

    Extracts from The Cruel Sea:

    ...inflicting on them a seeping, searing sort of cold which found its way everywhere.

    Near to the ice...and a bit of wind got up, the cold was like a scraper running over your raw face.

    The tumult of that..gale, increasing in fury...had a staggering malice from which there was no escape.

    The wind, screaming and clawing...struck fear into every heart.

    Now the physical harassing of this monstrous gale was battering at his body...sapping at a life-time's endurance, which...had never had to cope with an ordeal on this scale.

    Well, perhaps it wasn't as bad as all that! Warming up nicely now in front of the fire.

    The Thawing Dutchman
  • Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more;
    Or close the wall up with our English dead.
    In peace there's nothing so becomes a man
    As modest stillness and humility:
    But when the blast of war blows in our ears,
    Then imitate the action of the tiger;

    That you are worth your breeding; which I doubt not;
    For there is none of you so mean and base,
    That hath not noble lustre in your eyes.

    Courage dear Pirates

    Aka. Henry V
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