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Belgium trip Update

edited July 2010 in General
Getting closer now

I will be cashing your deposit cheques
in the next few days , just for info

Tim Hector
Can I have your car registration
will transfer my car reg to yours for the tunnel
( I think you have agreed to do this ! )

Belgium shirt
I have a medium pro belgium shirt £62.50
let me know if anyone wants it
particularly any new rider
( as the peleton will look bad with only you not in a shirt ! )
or an extra one for those who like the latest fashion :-)

Cars + rides
I think this is being sorted out
you will be informed soon

I am trying to go
but may not be ready by then
hence the changes above

Richard and Steff will be in touch soon
about other arrangements

See you



  • you'll be fit by then James I'm betting..good luck and keep your hopes up.....
  • Hi James

    Yes more than happy to take car. I have sent reg number by e-mail a moment ago.

    Let me know you have it?
  • Calling Strappy - I witnessed your good lady giving you the thumbs up to go in the pub last month :-) get involved old chap!
  • strappy - you have a place if you want one, can you let us know asap? thanks
  • cars

    driver : richard maynard
    tim d, martin h, martin l
    trailer with 12 bikes

    driver : tim hector
    kevin, adam, robbie, daniel

    driver : john riddett
    geoff, paul, chris b, phil k
    + 3 bikes

    driver : jeremy
    james, andy b, skelders
    + 4 bikes

    driver : stef
    mark c, peter g, vince
    + 3 bikes

    nearer the time feel free to start nagging your driver about meeting up, music choice, who sits in the front, are we there yet? etc
    we'll sort the bikes out the night before, ready for a prompt get away early friday morning

    if strappy confirms as well we'll have 3 cars with 5 people in. we've got the budget to add another car so max of 4 people per car more comfortable. in that case need another driver, adam h think you voluntereed, you still ok if required?
    tunnel price still pretty cheap so we probably got a bit of time to decide
  • skelders/stef
    Just read above comments my better half tried not to tell me as she done it as birthday preasent (sneeky) if you can squeeze me in a car its a go will see you tommorow.
    Did you think you could leave the old puncture magnet behind !!!!!!.
  • you're in strappy
    see seperate post about paying up

    trip now full.... really this time!
  • daniel now cant make it sadly,
    so we're back to 21 or 22,
    so ok with existing cars, adam h ignore previous comments about driving....

    strappy / paul - as you joined trip after special belgium tour shirts were ordered, you are the only two without shirts,
    but james (pro medium 62.50) and daniel (size?) will sell theres if interested... you dont want to be the odd ones out do you?!
    contact james/daniel to sort it out.
  • Sorry to let you all down. I'm gutted not to be going and wish you all a fantastic time. My shirt is a medium in size (can't remember which style).

  • I think yours is a pro shirt Daniel
  • skelders/stef
    I already have a reputation for being the most colour co ordinated rider in the club this must be upheld !!.
    I could never reach the wardrobe level of skelders but i do want a shirt if possible I think my pro shirt is large,but i can try what ever is left over.
    cheer all
  • you'll squeeze into a medium just fine sir ;-)
  • Let me know if want the shirt
    I have last years pro to try if you wish
    assume will be the same
    I will go to coffee on sunday if about

  • James
    i will be about according to which ride i am on also the direction we go but i will try to come and see you at the pub.
  • I am at home this week
    if you want to discuss
    missed you last sunday

    27 high st , ashwell
  • There is a lot of talk about the Belgium Tour CCA shirts, last years looked great especially when all were wearing the same on the Saturday ride. However could I make a suggestion for Sundays, morning ride when everyone is a little fragile, visit eBay and look at some of the vintage shirts on there, especially the garish 80's euro inspired styles. Many to be had for less than a fiver, could make for an interesting peleton and potential for a tour prize.

    Obviously Skelders would be limited to choosing something a little outlandish from Messrs Rapha and Co.

    best wishes

    Martin H
  • have since moved on... Rapha is soooooo last year. Now Solo, could be a goer. did see some quality tops in france as well. like the idea ...
  • bloomin heck......going to be a pot pourri ride if you lot get your way........it's enough to make a harlequin blush with shame
  • skelders
    I picked up at solo winter peak cap at phil corleys last week i must be bang up to date wardrobe wise .
    Shame its not blue & white.
  • aaarrrggghhhhhh!!!!!!......Strappy as fashion magnet.....one up from the puncture magnet....simply horrible.....you want the peacock award or summat Strappy??
  • geoff
    say's he the only c.c.a.rider i know with a white club kit & a skin suit with a fig leaf.
    That beats me any day !!.
    should see you tonight in the pub.
  • great idea Martin. got mine off ebay for three quid.. its horrible... you cant go wrong at that price...

    nb if anyone not yet got their cheque for the balance to richard can you do so please, thanks
  • looks like I've got to wear my fig leaf suit then....
  • it is with disappointment that i have to annouce that i am now unable to attend the belgium trip - so if there are any late takers please let richard or me know
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