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Sunday 8th August - Middle Group

edited August 2010 in Club runs
Might be out in the morning... Looking for a forgiving, strictly Middle Group to hide in? 7 week lay-off..!

Good forecast. Got a suggested route - 56 miles, flat n' bumps.



  • edited August 2010
    great ride Martin...considering you've been off the bike for 7 weeks a great showing...you'll be ready for Belgium and the nasty section again soon...many thanks for modifying route to allow loop for Daisy at start...well done Daisy....see you on future Saturday 10am rides.....Jon and Steve from youth section came with us and the 46 miles after dropping off Daisy were completed at 17.6mph average...out to Essex and some hills Elmdon and Arkesden way.....two punctures and two spills..hope you're o.k. Greg....nasty arm cut plus some grazes.....about 60 miles in all so a good ride for Jon and Steve well done.....there were clearly two groups in this ride..about 6 were some 2-3 mph faster than the rest of us and thanks for keeping together...made for a really friendly ride...hopefully no such incidents next ride
  • Cheers Geoff, thanks to you and everyone for helping me out. Still a bit sore but I'm pleased the bike is ok!
  • Thanks everyone for holding back. Knackered at the end: in at the deep end a bit. I'd like to repeat that sort of ride the next few weeks - around 60 miles - 17/18mph. But without the sunburnt arms. D'oh/ouch. I'm sure there'll be people wanting to join in.

    Those wanting something beefier - am sure the Fast guys can take care of things there. Or organise a split. 12 out with us today. Very convivial. Glad the tumblers both seem ok.
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