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paying in cheques

edited August 2010 in General
A few members have asked if it is possible to pay cheques directly into the club acconuts. This is possible, given our sort code and account codes (we have a main, and youth section account). But, both accounts are "community" accounts. Any income is just registered with a transaction code, so I would have no idea from whom the money came and what it was for unless I was e-mailed in advance. Remember that the accounts are not just about money in/out - where the money is from, and where it goes has to be logged.
I am happy to provide any member with our pay-in codes if they will undertake to inform me in advance of how much/what it is for/which account the money is going to. It would be risky to post this information on the web, so if you want the numbers, please contact me directly.


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