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AGM 2016, Tuesday 7th June

edited June 2016 in General
The AGM will be held in the Tuns on Tuesday 7th June at 8.00

Agenda as follows

1. Chairmans Introduction.
2. Election/Re-election of club officials.
3. Officers reports.......Forum/ website, Membership, Treasurer, Women, Youth, Kit, TT, Grass Track, Others.
4. Vote to amend the constitution to remove section 11 and merge the 2 bank accounts.
5. Open floor/ discussion
6. AOB
7. Buy kit.

Hope to see you all there and kit will be available at the end of the meeting. Item 4 refers to section 11 of the constitution (on the website under results) which largely for historical reasons states that the youth section of the club shall have its own committee and bank account. The reality is that the youth section committee has always been the same as the main club and hasnt been run separately. There is also little reason to have separate bank accounts and it would help the treasurer to just deal with one. This is really just tidying up the constitution and bringing us in line with how other clubs operate.


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