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Belgium Trip Plans

edited August 2010 in General
Apologies for the lack of information, I've been on holiday and Stef is currently away.

I will shortly be putting travelling plans, groups and the rides on this string, so keep looking at the site.

In short we have three rides: -

Friday 17th - RETREAT TO DUNKIRK - after travelling we'll have an afternoon ride of about 40miles that will take us through the last throws of the Dunkirk retreat and then back inland to have a look at the sprint finish for tomorrows ride! This ride, as last year, will have a number of stops to look at the battle area.

Saturday 18th - BELGIUM MOUNTAINS - I've mapped out two rides for three groups of 80 and 100 miles. There is no history planned for this day and the main objective is to do a number of hills and make Cassel for lunch.

Sunday 19th - HAIR OF THE DOG - Depending on the state of the group this will be a 45 mile ride to WW1 sites including cycling past Tyn Cot Cemetry and stopping at Hill 62(Sanctuary Wood) Memorial and Menin Gate. We'll then cycle on to a trappist Brewery to sample alledgedly the best bear in Belgium before returning to the cars for the return journey.

As ever I'll be happy to impart my limited knowledge of the history of the area as we go round, depending on how reseptive people are! (I'm thinking of alcohol intake not attitude here)

More info soon



  • Sounds like a plan!
  • heaven..a tour leader...no thinking...chauffer service to hotel....just cycling,eating and the odd bevvy..thanks Richard
  • Hi Guys, First the finances. Based on the price of £260 single occupation and £220 shared I believe the following people owe me the shown amount: -

    Tim S. £210
    Vince F. £170
    Chris B. £170
    Geoff G. £60

    Please make cheques payable to R.J.Maynard, I need the cheques as soon as possible.
  • Riding Groups. Leaders are shown first (Vince I've put you down for the fast group leader as you've been before and you showed and interest in where we were!)

    Fast - Vince F, Tim D, Robbie L, Mark C, Adam H, Tim S
    Medium - Stef D, Kevin S, Pete G, Geoff G, Chris B, Tony S, Paul S
    Club - Richard M, John R,Jeremy W, Martin L, Martin H, Andy B, Tim H

    Tim H, I've put you in the club due to your injury.
    I'm sure these groups will cause debate. If you have strong views let me know. Friday and Sunday could be as one big group or two groups, depending in what people want.
  • Finally cars (Drivers first) Approximate departure time is 05.45hrs on Friday morning. You'll need to drop off your bike and your bag with your driver or at the trailer at Tim D's house. I'd like 12 bikes on the trailer and those of you with carbon frames might like to bag these places first as the trailer does not pinch the frames and usually has a bit more space than the car racks.

    This is where we all need to work on the logistics, Please let me know which mode of transport your bike is going to use. If you don't have contact details for your driver need to know Tim D.'s address let me know

    Richard M, Tim D, Martin L, Martin H
    Tim H. Kevin S. Adam H. Robbie L.
    John R. Geoff G. Tony S. Chris B.
    Jeremy W. Paul S. Andy B. Tim S.

    Any questions?? Ring me or e-mail on richard@ccashwell.com
    Stef D. Mark C. Pete G. Vince F.
  • Bike Care

    I suggest that you all put some form of pipe lagging on the frame contact points of your bike and a plastic bag over the seat in case it rains whilst we're travelling.

    I'll have a track pump and some tools but you will need to pack the normal ride spares and maybe an extra tube or two. Another 1 or 2 track pumps might be nice for the pre-start checking process.

    If you have a lightweight lock you'd like to put in your back pocket, these can be useful during a coffee stop. However crime rates in Belgium are low added to which bike theft is seen as stealing a mans tools!
  • I'd like to put my bike on the trailer if possible please. If you can send me Tim D's address/contact details I'll make sure I'm there the night before. 07889 209590. Thanks, Peter.
  • Thanks Richard...all clear...sorry about shortfall...didn'tread properly...have a carbon..will book a place on the trailer please
  • Richard
    I am fairly sure I can ride now
    final "check" this sunday
    but can I join the club gang please !
    I will provide a cheque for single occupancy
    hope that is ok

  • edited August 2010
    Tool kit/first aid box/spare tubes/spare tyres and track pump.........I can bring these Richard.....won't take up too much space.....with 20+ on ride we might need the odd tyre and tube at least. Good news James..well done. Any takers for Phil's slot??...How is foot Tim??
  • PS can I have a place on the trailer for the bike
    I will bring the cushion for my backside :-)
    and multi purpose pain killers
    ( bad head , high speed crashes , surgical wounds )

  • any one bringing the sewing kit??
  • Richard, great organisation, thanks a lot.
    Can you let me have your address so I can drop the cheque round? you can reach me at the.belchers[at]btinternet.com or chris.belcher[at]mills-reeve.com.
    John (R) can you email me your address so I can drop the bike round the night before? No carbon, so no need for a trailer space for me.
    Cheers everyone.
  • stef have you got enough bike racks for your car? i have three excellent bike racks for eliptical roof bars if anyone needs to borrow them, plus two fork fixings for wheels (again for eliptical thule bars).
  • Chris,
    I've e-mailed tonight.

    It looks like James will be coming after all, so we're back up to 21, therefore the groups may change slightly.

    Any questions either post here or e-mail me at richard@ccashwell.com

  • my car... vince/mark c, yes i have 3 of the thule top notch roof carriers, no threat of pinching or anything, my carbon bike has done thousands of miles on one of them with no damage.
    so as pete has nabbed a place on the trailer can put vince, mark and my bikes on the roof. nearer the time will arrange to get your bikes and bags thursday night ready for an early start friday a.m.
  • belgium hotel rooms please read....

    the following are down to share twin rooms,
    richard, martin h, pete, mark c, chris b, vince, martin l and tim d.

    richard and martin h are in one room,
    will leave the others to pair up if they wish, or do whatever you want.
    if there is anyone you particularly want to share with, or definately dont want to share with! let me know and i'll coordinate in confidence. (stefan_dixon at hotmail dot com)

    everyone else is in a single room.

    any problems with the above let me know asap as i need to confirm with the hotel
  • good ride today
    I am definately coming
    Stef please book me a single room as previously discussed
    I am happy to take my car if required
    will give monies to richard tomorrow

  • Richard, have emailed you but just in case, please can I put my bike on the trailer?
  • Richard / Stef
    Any room left or are you back up to capacity? I have the green light if its doable
  • James
    should be fine as Phil has recently dropped out so can take his spot.
    i'll double check with the hotel but think it'll be ok,
    then we just need to sort out the cars etc

    oh and you'll need to get a cheque to richard
  • just spoken to richard,

    phil k - apparently you might be able to come after all.. if so please confirm asap on the forum or to richard or me
    james d - you're in , again please confirm as soon as you can and get a cheque to richard

    phil - you were down to share a room, but we now got an odd number sharing, unless james d or anyone else wants to share to bring the cost down?

    we thinking of putting another car on as numbers going back up again... so one more space available on the trip to take us to 24 in total , but need to know quickly... thanks

    also geoff and vince think you still need to send cheques for the balance to richard
  • next tuesday 7th sept is a cca pub night

    richard suggests we also make it a belgium trip meeting to finalise details / answer questions etc

    three tuns , all welcome
  • Thanks Stef,

    Guys I've now started a contact sheet as I'm been asked for details I don't have.

    Therefore please could I have (if you have all of these)
    e-mail addresses, mobile phone no's, home no's Next of Kin name, N of K work and mobile no.

  • To answer one question I've had.

    The accomadation is half board (breakfast and set evening meal provided). You'll need money for lunches and beer.

  • See you all in the Tuns next Tuesday.

    Richard, email on its way to you with contact details.

  • Unfortunately i am away tues , but maybe back later
    will come if I can make it

  • Club ride?!? Ive started a new job, I know, but... club ride?
  • Chris B - I've emailed you my contact details.

    Richard - I've copied to you for your contact sheet.

    Tony S - email me on john@riddetts.fsnet.co.uk and I will give you my contact details.

    Geoff G - ditto - you haven't got them all.

    Bikes on my car - my bike carriers are the kind where the bike stands on its wheels and a support bar is clamped on the down tube - OK for steel frames, aluminium with care and also my carbon Trek without ill effects so far (!). Chris B's bike can go on, so can mine. Do I need to take another? If anyone has their own bike carrier my roof bars are the slotted kind but we might be able to fit your carrier using the appropriate parts from my crriers fixings.

  • john
    will email you after work tonight for your details,i am planning to take my new carbon bike just bought some
    pipe lagging as suggested to protect it should be ok if any doubts we can jiggle bikes around im sure.
    i should be at the next tuesday for finalizing times etc also a beer.
    all the best
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