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Belgium Trip Plans



  • Bike on the trailer if possible. cheers
  • Just finishing off a 75 cl bottle of Leffe Brune - training is all important!
  • Attn Hectors car customers :-)

    Kevin S. Adam H. Robbie L. James Boyle?

    I am intending to take 2 bikes on rack so we will need to put the others on the trailer.

    Glad to hear others are training hard as well, managed a tough session last night, 3 pints of wife beater and a bottle of red.

    See you club night...
  • Tim. Yes my bike can go on the trailer. cheers ears.
  • I have booked my car on eurotunnel
    ( as per richard's request and additonal to BJ58 BXM )
    depart same time 0820 , return 16.42

    Andy Bartlett is on my car insurance abroard
    ( in case of very bad head )
    so would be good if he came with me
    I will take my bike rack ( 3-4 bikes )

    heavy training tonight , but only wine no beer
    Hope the club run incorporates the disabled
    although wheel chair access hopefully will not be required

  • I'll re post the car allocations this weekend but there won't be huge changes.

    Phil K. are you definatly coming?

    Please could I have any outstanding monies as soon as possible.

    See you all on Tuesday night at the Three Tuns.

  • you could borrow Mark Read's trike James...
  • There are now 6 cars going with space for 24 thus we have 1 maybe 2 spare spaces.

  • Stef / Richard

    Sorry i have been away for a few days.

    Pleased to confirm a place is available. Will get a cheque to you this afternoon as i will be doing the cornfields tomorrow.

    WIll come on Tuesday to pub for instructions.


  • i have a Thule bike carrier if its needed let me know when and where to drop off

    if there is a choice can i have a single room please

    Training this week has invloved lots of Adnams and staring accross the north sea towards our destination
  • Any advice on gear selection? (By which of course I mean rear cluster sprockets, rather than perfomance enhancing drugs.)
  • apparently it's all flat in Belgium according to Josh...so a fixie should do you nicely Jeremy..easier to clean off the Belgian toothpaste;-)
  • Chaps, just catching up after my hols,
    Regarding the trailer, ive had a quick look down the thread and it looks like the following have a trailer place booked....Richard M, Martin H, Martin L, Tim D, Peter G, Geoff G, James B, Skelders and robbie. so 3 more places available.
    Regarding loading arrangements, im assuming the trailer will be in use at the grass track on thursday eve? im therefore assuming it will have to be unloaded before being brought round to mine? so i would guess it wont get to me until about 9. so if eveyone could drop between 9 and 10 that would be good.
    Call me paranoid, but id rather not put my address and therfore the location of 20k worth of bikes on here. most know where i am, those that dont, ill probably see soon anyway.
    Cant make the Tuns unfortunately, hope to ride next sunday.

  • Tim...Richard will be driving back with me and trailer to unload in my garage........if we are sharp I expect the trailer to be with you 8.30pm latest......might help a bit
  • Tim, I'd like a place on the trailer please. I don't know where you live so could you whisper your address to me please ?

  • Tim H, my driver. I should make the 3 Tuns tomorrow so we can discuss arrangements then. If I can't make it I'll hope to see you on the Sunday ride, my first for 4 weeks due to holidays. I hope you'll recognise me with the extra half a stone !
  • tim
    i could do with a space in the trailer for mine if poss if its full no panic,also if any one has a good place to leave my old sprinter van for the weekend we are away that would be nice,my driver john has offered me a spot if i am stuck but it might be a bit big for his road.i will be in tons tuesday night.
    cheers all
  • drivers - i have 4 maps that show the roads from calais to dijksmuide, which we'll be using for the rides on saturday.
    if any of the other drivers want a map can let you have one, sure we will all meet up at the terminal or on the train.

    having said that it really is very easy, a16 east from calais, turns into a18 in belgium. exits 2 or 3 look the best for dijksmuide and sure to be signposted i'd have thought.....
  • stef,
    am i in with your car? if so what are your plans for departure. do we meet at yours or are you happy to fly by mine? Do you want bike and kit Thursday night?
    let me know on 07753864586 and leave your contact details on my answer machine if i do not answer.

    Cheers beers
  • Vince, check your email
  • Chaps, those wishing to put bikes on the trailer....just to remind you that the trailer should be at my house at 8.30. Also 1 or 2 were asking about dropping bikes off during the day. thats fine, i will be in all day apart from school pickup (3-3.30) and 5.30 - 8.00, while im at the grass.

    Oh and i was asked if bags can go on the trailer, its entirely open so no.

    See you then

  • edited September 2010
    Mr Hector.... Yes bike on the trailer tmrw Thursday night. My postcode is SG75PE. Twin Cottage. I'll be ready Friday with the lights on!
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