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Saturday 18th September 9.30am ride

edited September 2010 in Club runs
Here is my suggestion for this weeks route. Another rolling classic .........


Shorter loop via Halls green/Weston/Baldock if needed.

See you all Saturday,



  • hope to see you tomorrow weather looks fine
  • Dave

    Hi, can you advice a bit about route, whereabouts, distance, pace etc ? Would be coming from Stevenage, just wondering if I could cycle over do the route and maybe cut off home somewhere through the route ??


  • Nigel,

    Route is 38 miles starting from 37 Silver Street, Ashwell. Here is a map of the route http://www.mapmyride.com/ride/united-kingdom/-ashwell/188128043544110438

    Luckily this week were are going down your way so if you wanting to go back to Stevenage then the best place to cut off for home would be at Walkern (which is at about mile 28).

    Pace is simlar to the Sunday club run, so normally an average of about 15mph.

    Hope this helps,

  • Hi David

    Looks good to me looking forward to it

  • David

    Yes that's great, I will probably cycle across to you then and leave the group around Walkern for the home straight !! Any idea of numbers ? I believe a few of your lot are on the Belguim trip ??

    Thanks again

  • Don't think any of the Sat club run riders are in Belgium.......

    As for numbers its a bit random so could be 6 or could be 18 !

    See you tomorrow,

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