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CC Ashwell chaingang! Tues 25th April 7.30pm
Hi all
Anyone fancy starting the weekly chaingangs next Tuesday 25th April? I'll get to as many as I can throughout the summer. As per last year, people start out from Ashwell/Three Tuns at 7.30pm, getting to the lap start at Steeple Morden church/Waggon & Horses pub, at approx 7.35pm. I'll be there on the corner.
Chaingangs are a great way to train, massively boost your fitness and improve riding technique. You'll go faster than you've ever ridden before by riding in a group. You'll learn how to ride safely at speed. Don't confuse speed with danger: we simply look out for each other, point out hazards super clearly, and take all steps necessary to be safe on the roads. Note: there are a few new big potholes here and there on the course to get familiar with since last year.
Group riding like this is great for anyone racing or thinking of racing. But - they're also simply a great way to squeeze a bit of riding into the longer, lighter evenings. Fun for all.
Stay at the back and hold on if you lack confidence at first, or need a breather. Maybe there'll be a couple of groups with different speeds if numbers are good. If numbers are low, turn it into a Team Time Trial and take your turn on the front for as long as you like. Don't fear getting dropped if the majority of riders can hold a pace above your comfort zone: that's quite typical. Try and hook on to the next lap, or have a go the following week.
Sunset next week is 8.15pm, with 'Civil twilight' at 8.53pm. Technically: we should be fine for 2 laps, but bring and use lights. As the evenings stretch out - let's think about 3 laps. Each lap is approx 9 miles. Average speeds will vary depending on turnout.
A CCA chaingang in action from a couple of years ago;
Anyone fancy starting the weekly chaingangs next Tuesday 25th April? I'll get to as many as I can throughout the summer. As per last year, people start out from Ashwell/Three Tuns at 7.30pm, getting to the lap start at Steeple Morden church/Waggon & Horses pub, at approx 7.35pm. I'll be there on the corner.
Chaingangs are a great way to train, massively boost your fitness and improve riding technique. You'll go faster than you've ever ridden before by riding in a group. You'll learn how to ride safely at speed. Don't confuse speed with danger: we simply look out for each other, point out hazards super clearly, and take all steps necessary to be safe on the roads. Note: there are a few new big potholes here and there on the course to get familiar with since last year.
Group riding like this is great for anyone racing or thinking of racing. But - they're also simply a great way to squeeze a bit of riding into the longer, lighter evenings. Fun for all.
Stay at the back and hold on if you lack confidence at first, or need a breather. Maybe there'll be a couple of groups with different speeds if numbers are good. If numbers are low, turn it into a Team Time Trial and take your turn on the front for as long as you like. Don't fear getting dropped if the majority of riders can hold a pace above your comfort zone: that's quite typical. Try and hook on to the next lap, or have a go the following week.
Sunset next week is 8.15pm, with 'Civil twilight' at 8.53pm. Technically: we should be fine for 2 laps, but bring and use lights. As the evenings stretch out - let's think about 3 laps. Each lap is approx 9 miles. Average speeds will vary depending on turnout.
A CCA chaingang in action from a couple of years ago;

Probably 1 lap first time
Use light as an excuse !
I shall do my very best to be there. Every Tuesday from now till season end.
A reminder it's the first chaingang of 2017 tomorrow Tuesday 25th. Some may be leaving Ashwell/Tuns at 7.30pm. I'll see any coming over at the lap start at Steeple Morden/Waggon & Horses soon after.
I remember the first one last year was absolutely freezing and tomorrow looks quite cold so layer up. We averaged 21mph for two laps. Well within reach of anyone who can do our Club 10 under 30 mins... if we all chain smoothly and draft/recover effectively.
The evening light is fine for two laps but bring decent lights front and back. If you have one of those intense rear lights maybe think about it being steady not flashing as it can be quite distracting when only a wheel or so away.
If Chris does any 'attack' off the front, let's see if the chain can up the tempo and reel him in. If it fragments: let's look to regroup before too long. Best opportunity for this is the long straight litlington to bassingbourn, if road quiet.
Looking forward to it all. Allez!
(as does the Monday night grass track session).
( wind, probable rain,cold )
Will be there in 2 weeks time
Hopefully better then.
Tidy riding
Really smooth and sensible chaining. Good calling out of hazards and everyone calm and focused. Good grief: Sophie can get low! Fantastic aero position. I tried to copy but my knees were rubbing my ears too much.
A few peeled off after the first lap. Chris then pressed the Nitro button and waved us goodbye going up Steeple Memorial hill and shot off the front. We tried to TTT him back but he was uncatchable. Travis soloed and nearly did. Then he went a bit hypo but didn't want to reach for his orange juice in case he slowed up too much.
Massive new pothole a few hundred metres after the turn at Shingay. Watch out for that.
Worried about possible imminent rain? The free 'Rain Alarm' app is a brilliant, simple app that just shows an animated doppler rain radar map of the UK, updated every 20 mins. You can tell exactly where and accurately when it's going to fall. It worked a treat tonight to let us know we'd be fine in a gap on the weather front.
Lap 1: 22.8mph
Lap 2: 22.9mph
Hope to see a few more out next time.