Welcome to the forum


edited October 2010 in General
I am. so is Mick and Greg

Join us

Watch this space!!


  • the idea is that, as the club expands, people are at different levels and aspirations, we will try to cater for riders who love the club run (which i do, and last year was a training ride for me!), and are nudging the 16mph a tad too far, and want to go that little bit quicker, but not get battered by the mad 'medium' ride which is a killer (but fun too in a mad sad sort of way), and do what it says on the tin, and offer an INBETWEEN ride

    the INBETWEENERS,unlike the tv programme, which is about a bunch of guys trying to lose their cherry, wants to be the 'stepping stone' between the two and offer another option

    also, we plan to set off at 9.00 am, which also offers more flexibilty

    i hope to be an INBETWEENER, but also ride the club and mad boys too (not at same time!)- just another option

    this is not to compromise anything we have, or want it to seemlike a criticism- i love CCA and appreciate all the club offers and the efforts people make

    plan is SAT and (poss) SUN to offer more options


    18-19mph- like i say INBETWEENERS!
  • Sounds good Chris :)
  • Well done Chris.......sounds a goer. There was a definite grouping of 6-8 riders on the club run this Sunday who are natural for this group..like the name..sounds better than the middle group.
    anyone who favoured the old middle ride but got put-off by the "mad" bit as you put it Chris would probably find this ride perfect.......see you on some of them. Away in Scotland the next 2 weeks so have fun...see you all on the 7th Nov.
  • Saturday would be a great idea, neither the club nor those hill climbs starting at 8 are right for me. However now that winter is upon us the Sunday medium or medium fast whatever people call it is just where the inbetweeners would be. Today was 66 at 18.5 (no one got left behind) and last week was at 18.6. Hope to see soon you on either a Saturday or Sunday.
  • Is there an inbetweener ride tomorrow morning?

    Weather forecast says weather is set to be sunny and the later 9am start would be good for me.

    If there is a ride, where do you meet?

  • Dave - if you're stuck and it's any good for you - I reckon the 8am middle group will be clipping Buntingford around 8.45am and Hare Street shortly after 9am. Drive over and I'm sure we could manage a rendezvous. My mobile 07977 652 247
  • thats you sorted davey boy!

    hows college?

    lovin your result the other week.. INNNNNIIIITTTT!
  • Cheers Martin, shall try and jump out of bed bright and early for the 8am start.

    College is pretty good man.

    Cheers buddy, it was great fun! You going to give racing a crack?
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