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Saturday 17th June 9.30am club ride
Weather forecast looks cracking for tomorrow. East last week, so north(ish) this week, to do the reverse of the Cambridge route.
Probably something a bit like this:
or happy to do something else if anybody has an alternative route they would like to do.
See you tomorrow, don't forget your sunnies
Probably something a bit like this:
or happy to do something else if anybody has an alternative route they would like to do.
See you tomorrow, don't forget your sunnies

Hoping to make it
I have just spoken with Gary's daughter. He has just got home from hospital and he is battered and bruised but ok. He has had scans and xrays and everything is fine.
Sure he will be back out with us soon.
Thanks for the ride today Dave and you did a great job with the weather!!!!!
We were just coming in to Bassingborn from Shrepreth, when for reasons that we are still not sure about Gary came off his bike, went pretty high into the air and came down hard onto his head/shoulder on the side of the road. He then lost consciousness for about 5 mins, so we called an ambulance, stopped the traffic & a few of us raced off to see if the doctors in Bassinbourn was open. Unfortunately the docs was closed, but the paramedic/ambulance service got there really quickly and even scrambled the air ambulance (which wasn't needed). Gary was by now conscious & pretty dazed so the ambulance service checked him over at the roadside before they took him to Addenbrookes. Most of the group cycled back slowly to the Tuns and myself and Dave firstly went to the Hoops to find Gary's daughters and the went back to the Tuns
I just want to clarify that this was a random accident and had absolutely nothing to do with the size of the group, poor riding or cars. The fact that we were all alert and no one else was taken down is testament to how well we were riding as a group.
Finally, just wanted to say a big thanks to everybody today for the fantastic way you all dealt with the situation. Everybody was really calm and rational even though it was a pretty scary situation, with people stopping traffic, getting Gary into the recovery position, going to the roundabout to hail the ambulance and sorting out Gary's bike etc. You really are a great bunch of people
Well done to Dave and everyone else for dealing with the situation calmly and effectively.