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CCA C2C-er?

I was climbing out of Stanhope in County Durham today and exchanged greetings with a rider wearing a CCA gilet.
It was a fleeting moment but I'm intrigued to find out who that was?
A nice day up north - almost warm enough to ride without arm warmers.


  • haha...wasn't me Jeremy but I also came through Stanhope at about 1pm on the way back to Wolsingham and up Weir Bank to Hamsterly. Tidy little 60 miler over Chapel Hill.
    Would be nice to know who it was...surprised you didn't ask him but perhaps it was in opposite directions. You haven't been up here long enough to acclimatise...I was in short sleeves all the ride :-)
  • Jeremy think it was BobS (who normally rides with the Sat club run) you saw today. He is doing C2C this weekend with a couple of other chaps.
  • Thanks David - I was going up as Bob was going down so only time for a few words. The CCA kit is a nice simple design that really stands out.

    Geoff - was out with new club mates on a loop from Alston. Spent too much time grovelling to hang on today - was a struggle.
  • would be good to get Bob's impressions on the C2C route David. can you ask him to write something here when back please.
    will have to do a joint ride with your Beacon Wheelers sometime Jeremy.
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